Friendship - Scott

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Friendship.  Something so important and yet often taken for granted. 

You love your friends, of course but sometimes you forget how much you appreciate them.

You don't think about how lucky you are to have amazing friends in your life who will be there to support you and encourage you through the hardships of life. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to experience a friendship so pure and authentic.  A friendship that makes your heart physically hurt because you just have so much love in there it feels that it genuinely might explode.  Not everyone has that in their life... but I'm one of the fortunate ones who has a friendship like that.

I have Scott. 

Scott is my best friend, my everything.  My number 1 in every aspect; my favourite person and my biggest cheerleader.  I know for a fact I wouldn't be the confident, fearless person I am today if I didn't have Scott by my side every step of the way.

Sure, a lot of that is me; me feeling comfortable enough with myself to express who I am and I'm not as put together as I make it seem sometimes but Scott makes everything easier.  He'll always be the first to tell me how good I look in my new dress or how funny I am when I'm being loud in a large group of people.  I'm a typically shy, awkward person with people I don't know - which is extremely difficult when you're in the music industry and are constantly subjected to interactions like this - but every now and then I get a burst of confidence and Scott will be there to assure me that I'm doing great when the doubt starts to creep back in.  Whenever I'm lacking motivation to do anything, whether it be in my professional or personal life, he'll be there to encourage me through it, pushing me just enough to get me going and I'll always feel better afterwards. 

Scott also dishes out the compliments like they cost nothing, which they don't, but not enough people take the time to say something nice to someone they love.  I get a minimum of 23 compliments a day from Scott and let me tell you, it makes a girl feel great.  My ego might be three times the size now but I have Scott to keep me in check. 

Good friends do what they can to keep you happy, say what they think you want to hear but true friends will call you out on your shit and knock you back down a few pegs when you're being ridiculous.  Scott isn't afraid to do that.  It's often followed up by a declaration of his love for me and how I'm his best friend just to remind me that he's being a good friend and doesn't hate me though. 

He knows me at my best but maybe more importantly, he knows me at my worst.  He'll see me curled up in my blankets sobbing my heart out over a boy or just over life in general but he won't judge.  Scott will get my favourite snacks, bring in the wine and make me laugh and laugh until the tears that fall aren't from sadness anymore.  But even those times where laughing just doesn't seem to be possible, he'll pull me close and lend me his shoulder to cry on.  Through all my messiness and my more dramatic moments, he's still here; still my right hand man, my partner in crime.

There are few places in the world that make me feel safer than snuggled up in my best friend's arms as we watch shitty tv in our little two bedroom apartment.  I can always count on Scott and know without a single shadow of a doubt that he'll be there for me whenever and wherever I need him.

My best friend makes me so incredibly, legitimately happy and I could not be more grateful to have Scott in my life.

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