Down Day

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Mitch was laying in bed, mindlessly scrolling through tumblr.  The brunette boy was having a Down Day as he liked to call them.  A day that arises every few weeks where he's just not feeling it.  There's no particular reason or cause for feeling this way but nevertheless, he just feels sad.

On top of his down day, Mitch also had a sore stomach and a thumping sore head.  He wanted nothing more than to lie in bed and sleep until the sun rose the next morning.  But he couldn't.  He had already told his best friend, Kirstin, he would attend a charity night with her.  He could easily cancel and use his temporary state of illness as his excuse but for 5'4", Kirstin was terrifying.  This night had already been planned for weeks, months even so there was no doubt Kirstin wouldn't be the least bit happy if Mitch backed out last minute.

So Mitch decided a quick nap would be in order before anything else happened.  The little brunette curled up under his covers hoping that when he awoke it would trick his brain into thinking it was the next day and his down day would be over.

But that is not how it works.

Mitch woke still feeling inexplicably sad but at least his stomach pain was gone and his sore head dulled to an annoying throb.  Not great but he could work with that.

Kirstin had come over to get ready and once they were all dolled up and ready to rock, Mitch was already starting to feel better.  Sometimes a good laugh with a friend is all he needed.


Mitch's plan had been to show up at the bowling club where the event was being held, give some money to whatever charity this whole night was for, have a drink, two tops then leave to get to bed at a respectable hour. That's not exactly how the night went.

Everything was on track for the first hour or so but it seemed that in all his sad-induced laziness, Mitch had forgotten to eat enough that day because the alcohol was going straight to his head.

"Is he okay?" Mitch heard one of his friends, Nicole, ask Kirstin as they sat around a table chatting.

"Oh yeah, he's just feeling it already." Kirstin laughed in response.

"He's what? 2 vodkas in and this is what he's like?"

"Maybe 3 vodkas."

Mitch turned to them with a grin on his face. "I'll have you know I started pre-drinking by myself at 1 am, I mean 1 this afternoon."

Everyone looked at him and laughed at his blatant lie but Mitch was unfazed, he was finally feeling happy for the first time since he woke up this morning. All it took was his old buddy Smirnoff to get things started.

The night progressed with Mitch happily chatting away with his friends at what he thought to be a normal, respectable volume. His friends would disagree and argue that Mitch was practically yelling everything at them all night.

"I'm going to get another! Do you want one?" Mitch whisper yelled in Kirstin's ear as he passed by her seat.

"Yeah, just the usual, thanks."

Mitch swayed over to the bar that was situated on the opposite side of the little room they were stuffed in to. His heeled boots clip clopped over the vacant dance floor. The disco portion of the night hadn't yet begun, they were still trying to raise money for the charity through a raffle.

Mitch ordered the drinks and watched as one of the old woman behind the bar slowly went about making them. Mitch couldn't help but think that surely the women have had plenty experience, they're certainly old enough but they were acting like this was their first time ever even holding alcohol. Mitch physically shook his head to clear his thoughts because that was rude.

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