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"It'll be fun, son. You've loved it every other time we've went. Plus, Scott will be there, you'll have a pal."

"Exactly, dad! Scott'll be there but we're not 'pals', he doesn't even like me!"

Mitch threw his hands up, exasperated. His dad was right, he did love the annual family ski trip but this year, they had to go and ruin it by inviting the Hoyings along with them. The Hoyings, as a whole, weren't bad. Connie and Rick were always nice, even if they treated Mitch like a child sometimes and their daughters, Lindsay and Lauren, were great but it was Scott that caused Mitch to threw a toddler level tantrum.

The Hoyings and the Grassis have been friends for as long as Mitch can remember. Every memory he had of his childhood starred at least one of the Hoyings. Scott, in particular, was always there. He and Mitch were inseparable growing up. They would spend every day after school playing in the treehouse Mitch built with his dad and would beg their parents for sleepovers almost every night. Mitch was never without Scott when they were younger which made this entire situation even more frustrating.

Scott was a couple of years older so when he went off to high school, Mitch was left behind in middle school. That's when their friendship started to drift. Scott was different. He was a freshman now and he had a big group of new friends. He was enrolled in almost every extra-curricular available to him so he barely had anytime to sleep never mind hang out with little middle schooler Mitch. But they still made it work, even if just barely. Mitch would go to Scott's house whilst he was doing homework just for a chance to be in his presence and he would attend every show Scott performed in, even if he was cast aside afterwards, Scott usually choosing to hang with his other friends instead.

It only got worse when Scott started to date. He cut Mitch out of his life entirely. Mitch thought going to high school would help their strained relationship but it definitely did not. It felt like a punch in the stomach every time Scott would pass him in the hallway with his squad of minions and not even so much as glance in Mitch's direction. It was like he didn't even exist. He would almost prefer if Scott would sneer at him or attempt to trip him as he passed because at least then he would know he was a blip on Scott's radar. This unexplained complete radio silence stung more than he cared to admit.

"What are you talking about? You and Scott were two peas in a pod when you were young lads. I couldn't keep you two apart, trust me, I remember the tantrums you would throw if Scott wasn't around," Mike chuckled, packing all of his family's luggage into the trunk of the car.

"We're not 8 years old anymore. Scott didn't talk to me the entire time he was in high school and now that he's off at college..." he sighed. "I haven't even seen him in months. Trust me, we're not friends."

"Well, maybe this is a good chance to rekindle that friendship then. You always were a great pair." Mike smiled fondly at the memory of a young blonde boy running around their yard with a tiny brunette grasping onto his hand for dear life.

"I doubt it," Mitch huffed and leaned back against the car with his arms folded across his chest.

"Oh, stop being dramatic!" Jessa scolded as she emerged from the house, far too much luggage trailing behind her.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "I'm not being dramatic."

"Please," she sassed. "I heard your whining from all the way inside. Scott isn't besotted with you anymore, get over it."

"How old are you two?" Nel asked rhetorically as she climbed into the passenger side of the car. "Honestly, no one would believe you were 20 and 18 with the way you're moaning."

"I'm not moaning," Jessa argued. "Mitch is just being stroppy because he doesn't have his little boyfriend to follow around like a lost puppy anymore."

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