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In honour of reaching 1K reads (wow, thank you) here's a little thousand word tidbit from the 'You Don't Deserve My Love' world (pre-divorce)

I unlocked the door to this new suburban home. Scott and I had been living in a little, cramped apartment in the city which was great for us but that's when it was just us. Now we had our new addition to our little family, we thought it was time we upgraded.

Lily wriggled about in my arms as I struggled with the lock. My husband was being of no use and just stood there watching.

"Are you going to help me?" I snapped but there was no bite behind it. Ever since we became a family I found few things truly made me mad. There was so much good in my life to feel bitter about anything.

"But its more fun this way," Scott chuckled but reached around me to finally get the door open. "Welcome home."

The house was now officially ours to move into whenever we wanted. We had movers scheduled for tomorrow but we wanted bring Lily over to see it. Not that she could appreciate it at 3 weeks old but the thought was nice.

It wasn't overly big or grand but we fell in love with it as soon as we stepped in the door. Something about it just screamed at us so we put in an offer before we even went to see any of the other houses we had lined up. The big backyard was a major selling point. Scott was very adamant that we needed enough space to get Lily a swing set, a sand pit and an outdoor playhouse. 'It'll make us look so domestic with our white picket fence and everything ', he claimed but I think he secretly just wants to play with it all himself. He'll probably have more fun than Lily because he's the biggest kid I know but whatever keeps him happy.

We were standing in the middle of our empty living room, looking out the window at the people fluttering about. I wondered if this was the kind of neighbourhood where the neighbours brought each other cookies and could go to each other when they needed a cup of sugar. Neighbours aren't really a thing in the city. Of course we had them but I couldn't even tell you their names never mind expect them to help me if I needed to move a sofa or save my life if I accidentally set my stove on fire.

"We look like a proper family now," Scott whispered out and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I turned to look up at him even though his eyes stayed focussed outside. Scott and I were both open and proud of who we are but being gay still had its limitations in this country. Scott struggled more than I did with this but he just wanted to be a family like everyone else. "We've always been a family, Scotty."

"I know but you know what I mean." He finally turned his head to look at me and then down at Lily who was laying contently in my arms as she sucked on my index finger. "You're a great dad, you know."

It was no secret I struggle with parenthood, constantly doubting myself and second guessing everything. Scott has had to hold me and reassure me more times than I can count but I was trying my best. "Thanks, babe. It's harder than I even imagined."

"It is. But it's even more rewarding. I can't believe how much I love her." I admired the look in his eyes, complete and utter adoration. It was the same way he looked at me. Even after years of being together I still couldn't believe my luck.

"I love you."

His bright blue eyes turned up to me and he smiled softly. "I love you, too, sweetheart."

I pushed up to press my lips against his. I only pulled away when I felt his lips stretch up into a smile. I was sure I had the same dopey, loved up look on my own face. Neither of us moved, quite content to stay in our little bubble and ignore everything outside of this house until a horrible smell penetrated it and I crinkled my nose in disgust.

"Ew, someone needs a diaper change. Your turn, daddy," I smirked, holding the baby out towards my husband.

Scott's face flushed as he gasped, "Mitch! Not in front of the baby."

"Wha-" Scott took Lily from me, holding her to his chest with a hand on the back of her hand. My smirk returned as I clicked onto what he was getting at. "Oh because I called you daddy? Babe, that's your name now or it will be when she starts talking."

His eyes widened as realisation set in. "Oh no, I didn't even think about that.  I've only ever been called daddy by you... this is going to be weird."

I laughed loudly, a hand flung over my mouth. It was true, 'daddy' had become quite popular in the bedroom. I accidentally let it slip once but Scott responded so well to it that I never stopped using it. Who knew he would have a daddy kink?

"Well, you better get use to it... daddy," I teased, running a finger down his bicep.

"Mitchyyyy," he wailed. "I get so turned on whenever you call me daddy, how am I going to survive and not scar our child for life?"

"Well, it'll be very different when it's your daughter calling you that."

"Yeah but you're going to call me daddy to her just like I'm going to call you papa."

"Oh, that's true. I never thought about that..." I laughed again. My poor husband, flustered so easily. I felt the overwhelming desire to kiss him again and nothing was stopping me. I rested my hands on his shoulders and leaned up, careful not to crush Lily between our bodies. "You're so cute," I breathed against his lips, punctuating it with a gentle peck. I put my feet back flat on the floor as I swung the diaper bag off my shoulder. "Well, on you go, daddy."

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