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Mitch never had a plan for after high school. He was 18 years old, why was he being pressured into figuring his entire life out? He was basically still a kid, he didn't know what to do at the weekend never mind his entire future.

Scott made that decision easy for him.

"So what do you think?"

"I-I don't... I just don't know, Scott. That's a big decision." He bit his lip, a nervous habit he picked up years ago.

"I know but this could be it, Mitch. But even if it's not, it'll be a great adventure for us. Kirstie's already down, we're just waiting for you. Please, Mitchy?" He could practically hear Scott pout through the phone he had pressed against his ear.

"Scott... I've never even been out of the state myself never mind moving halfway across the country," he tried.

"You won't be by yourself, you'll be coming to me and then Kirstie will be here, too. It'll just be like you're home except... in California," Scott chuckled.

Mitch could tell how excited the blonde was about this. Scott had always been so passionate when it came to music, that's part of the reason why they got on so well, but it was Scott's delusional optimism that kept him going. Mitch was seriously lacking in that department, his anxiety stopping him from really going for it. Where Scott fought back after a small fail, Mitch let it break him down and discourage him from trying again. He didn't like to fail. It didn't feel good but what he hated most was letting others down. He never wanted to feel like a disappointment to those around him.

That's why what Scott was asking of him was too hard for Mitch to accept. There was no way he could pack his bags and fly out to LA on a whim to try out for a national television show. It just wasn't going to happen. He couldn't leave his parents and his friends and Texas behind for something that most likely wouldn't work out.

"You know we could really try this, Mitch. People will be blown away by your voice. I know we can do this, I can feel it. This could really be it," Scott's voice got quieter like he was thinking out loud rather than trying to convince Mitch. "You're bigger than Texas, Mitch. You have so much to offer the world, Kirstie, too. We could be amazing."

Mitch ran his tongue along his swollen lip, tasting the faintest hint of blood. "You're just saying that because you're my friend. I'm nothing special. You would do fine without me, better even. Maybe you and Kirstie should just find someone else..."

"It's you or no one." Scott's voice was definite. Mitch knew he was serious. If he wasn't going to do it, Scott wasn't either.

"That's not fair. You know I want you to go chase your dreams but your dreams aren't mine," Mitch whispered.

Scott sighed and Mitch could hear him shifting about, probably trying to get all 6 foot of lanky limbs comfortable on his cramped dorm bed. "I'm not trying to force my dreams on you but I know you want this just as much as I do, you're just too scared to admit it. But that's what I'm here for, to motivate you and get you going. I'm your best friend, I want what's best for you and I have a really good feeling about this, Mitchy. It'll be fun, me, you and Kirstie... it could be nothing but at least we'd know we tried."


"I know you're scared, I know but do you really want to be stuck being nothing in Texas forever?"

Forever and Always - Scomiche One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora