Friendship - Mitch

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I have just over 200 reads on this and wow, I really didn't expect that many people to read this little book but thank you! And especially thanks to Ehcimocs bc I think a lot of that is due to you, you're wonderful.

Mitch and I have been friends since we were 10 years old and everyone always comments on how much I love him.  Of course, this is true, if I loved him anymore I would be in love with him but a lot of people assume I'm more in it than he is.

I compliment Mitch all the time, I hug him every chance I get, I never want to be separated from him.  We've never been shy about showing off our relationship to the fans - particularly me - and we love to tease the hardcore shippers so they see our dynamic.  And whilst I'm constantly so lovey to Mitch, he's constantly blasé and often looks annoyed with me.

I know my best friend well enough to know that that's not the case.  Sure, he looks pissed off when I hug him, giving me that 'again, seriously?' look and he might not say 'I love you' often without being prompted first but he says it in his own way.

Mitch likes to think he's void of any emotion with a dark and bitter soul but he's more affectionate than maybe I even am.

I continually feel loved by him.  I feel loved when he comes to my room in the morning carrying my Starbucks order, knowing what my most recent obsession is.  I feel loved when a package arrives for him filled to the brim with clothes and he hands me something - whether it be a fun SnapBack or fashionable tee - with a simple "I saw this and thought it would look great on you."  I feel loved when he's dancing about his room, belting out the lyrics to whichever song is playing effortlessly and he'll pause only to say, "this song always reminds me of you."  I feel it when he says, "you should wear a coat today, Scotty.  It's a little chilly."  I feel it when he says, "there's riccola in the kitchen, I noticed you sounded a little off." 

Mitch isn't a great lover of large crowds and being surrounded by lots of people so he often wants to just escape to his room and hide from the world after a long day of being 'on'.  But I'm always the exception to that rule.  Some of my favourite moments with Mitch is when he's had a stressful day and silently crawls into my bed just to be held by me.  The content sigh he lets out when he snuggles into my side, head resting over my heart, is the best way he says 'I appreciate you'.

Mitch is a man of few words but it's always in his actions, in his eyes when he looks at me.  The fans don't see it because they don't get it.  They think they know Mitch - and to a certain extent, they do - but they don't know him like I do.  They don't see the reassuring smile he'll shoot my way before a big performance I'm unnecessarily nervous about.  They didn't see him sitting in the front row, two thumbs up with a grin on his face, of every performance I ever did.  They don't see how he automatically knows when I'm feeling sad or down and helps me in whichever way I need without me saying a word.  They don't see it so they don't get it but I never feel unloved or under appreciated by Mitch. 

My most favourite way that he tells me he loves me is when every time I say bye as I leave he always responds with "you're my best friend."

Mitch doesn't show his emotions the same way I do, he doesn't simply say 'I love you' but he goes out of his way to make sure I know just how much I mean to him.

My best friend makes me feel so incredibly, legitimately loved and I could not be more grateful to have Mitch in my life.

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