Look up at the Sky

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Inspired by Look up at the Sky by Us the Duo

Tomorrow I leave to spend 3 weeks in New York City for work. Honestly, I love New York and I love my job so it doesn't sound that bad but it's what I'm leaving behind for 3 weeks that makes this so hard.

Mitchell Grassi. My fabulous, fearless, feisty boyfriend. He's what I'm leaving here in California whilst I fly literally across the country. I know what you're thinking; three weeks isn't even that long, get over yourself, Hoying. But the thing is, we've never spent that long apart since we got together almost 2 years ago and it just so happens that our 2 year anniversary falls exactly when I'm in New York.

I remember the first time we spent an extended amount of time apart; it was horrible. I flew to Texas to visit my family after the birth of my first nephew but Mitch was unable to come with me because he had work commitments he couldn't just abandon. It was only a week but it was one long ass week, let me tell you.

I was surrounded by my family who I only got to see a handful of times each year and there was this new little bundle of joy to celebrate so I should've been ecstatic. But when you're so use to sharing everything in your life with someone and suddenly that someone isn't there, it's weird. Not to be dramatic but it honestly felt like I was missing a limb.

I was so use to him being glued to my side and being able to just wrap my arms around him whenever I wanted that sleep was difficult to find during that week. I never thought I would be one of those people that relied on someone else to be able to sleep but here we are. I needed my boy and he wasn't there.

So me leaving for 3 weeks was going to be positively horrific. Three times as long, three times as hard and I was not at all prepared. I tried to spend less and less time with him in the week leading up to my departure to lessen the blow but I couldn't do it. I didn't want to and he didn't want me to so his arms were wrapped around me whenever we had the chance.

"It's just 3 weeks. We'll be fine." Mitch whispered against my chest as we lay in bed the night before my dreaded flight across the country. I don't know who he was trying to convince but I certainly didn't believe him. We were going to be miserable.

"I know, I know. I'll be back before you know it." I lied. I may not believe what he said but I'm trying to be strong for him because one thing I hate to see is my baby anything less than happy.

"Plus, it's the 21st century, technology is great! We have FaceTime and Skype and texting and phone calls... It'll be like you never even left, I'll still be sick of you!" He chuckled out as he lazily drew patterns on my bare chest.

"You could never be sick of me!" I scoffed, my hand moving from his back where it had been laying idly to his side.

The brunettes head shifted to glare up at me but never once left my chest. "Don't you dare, Hoying or you'll be sleeping on the couch." I lifted my hands in surrender with a quiet laugh until he put his head back down.

"You know, if you ever miss me you can just look up at the sky. Even though you'll be a million miles away, we'll still be seeing the same stars. So you can look at them and know that I'm seeing the same thing; thinking about you too." I leaned down to kiss the top of his head and squeezed him tighter. I could not be more in love with this boy.

"I love you so much." I whispered against his brown hair, not wanting to move at all. I wanted to take in everything that was Mitch while I still had the chance. His hair smelled like vanilla and even though we used the same shampoo I know for a fact mine didn't smell half as good as his. His petite body fit perfectly into my side when we cuddled every night. His laugh could cure any ailment and his voice was a blessing upon the world.

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