New York

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Just a little something I quickly threw together today in honour of kariptx 's birthday (so sorry if it's not the greatest). Everyone go wish her a happy bday bc she deserves all the love (@/seethroughbaby on twitter). Happy birthday, love <3

"Mitchy, I missed you, queen!" Scott greeted as he pulled the hotel room door open, smile instantly erupting on his face at the sight of his favourite person.

Mitch hauled his overpacked suitcases into the room they would be sharing for the next week. He pulled the hat off his head and shook off the stray snowflakes that were still resting on the brim.

"I missed you, too, babe." Despite how exhausted he looked, he still managed a sweet smile for his best friend.

Scott opened his arms expectantly and warmed as Mitch stepped towards him and melted into the embrace. It had only been a few days since they had last seen each other. Scott had flown out to Washington a few days prior to finally visit his newborn niece but it felt like so much longer when Mitch's week long trip to Paris had happened only the week before. It felt as though they had been separated for an entire month and both boys were starting to feel lost without their fifth limb. It had been years since they had spent an entire week apart and they almost hadn't known how they would cope. They always joked about being disgustingly codependent but with the thought of not having the other there for an extended period of time, they had genuine concerns about what they would do with themselves. Mitch, in particular, had experienced an unsettling amount of anxiety about flying half way across the world without Scott to keep him grounded for days beforehand.

But they had managed it, they had survived an entire week apart, and admittedly, it hadn't been anywhere near as bad as either of them had expected. Mitch had been too busy buying an unnecessary amount of designer clothes and flirting with any and all cute Parisian boys to even let his usual homesickness really kick in - though, Candice had really helped with that as well. And Scott had spent his days getting drunk and catching up with friends that he never had to worry about being alone for too long. They both had managed and they both were fine, but that didn't mean their hearts didn't ache for their best friend.

Scott squeezed Mitch tightly, burying his nose in brown hair and inhaling the comforting scent of strawberries. He was grateful, in that moment, that Mitch had continued to use his usual beauty products when he was in Paris because it meant he smelled exactly as he had when he left and Scott felt like he was home again.

"How was your flight?" Scott asked when he finally let go of his best friend.

"It was fine, uneventful." Mitch shrugged and went about pulling various garments from one of his many bags, hanging them up carefully in the wardrobe.

"And how was staying in the house without me?"

When it had been him who was left alone in the house, he had spent an absurd amount of time checking every room for any intruders before going to bed at night. Even though he knows Mitch doesn't offer much in the way of protection, he always felt so much safer with another person in the next room. If nothing else, it meant he wouldn't die alone.

Mitch stopped hanging up his clothes to face Scott, eyes wide.

"Terrifying," he screeched, hands flying up to his mouth. "One night, I slept for maybe two hours total because I was convinced there was a scary, ghost child in the hallway."

"Aw, baby, you needed the big, muscly jock there to save you?" Scott grinned cheekily as he pulled Mitch into his arms once more. Now he had his best friend back and all to himself, he was going to make the most of every opportunity. They had a lot to catch up on.

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