Double Trouble

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A little short one for Sreed09 and kariptx

Whoever said raising little girls was easy clearly never had twin girls. Trying to keep two 4 year old troublemakers under control at all times seemed like mission impossible.

"Let's adopt," he said. "Let's take the twins," he said. "It'll be so much fun," he said. But his husband never said anything about double the work, double the cost and double the trouble.

Mitch would never say he regretted adopting his sweet angels, he loved them way too much to have any doubts, but sometimes he questioned whether or not he was of sound mind when he agreed to adopting twins.

Riley and Carter had been wreaking havoc together ever since they could so much as sit up. Meal times were messy, bath times were disastrous and bed times were damn near impossible. It didn't help when Scott and Mitch would finally get one child settled, the other would just rile them up until the both of them were jumping all over the house again. But Scott and Mitch wouldn't change them for the world. They weren't bad kids, just mischievous and sometimes too curious for their own good.

It was another day of cleaning up mess after mess when Riley came racing round the corner, holding the side of her head.

"Papa! Papa!" she wailed as she came to a screeching halt in front of Mitch.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"Carter pushed me and I fell over," she pouted, tiny bottom lip jutting out as far as possible.

"Are you okay?" Mitch bent down and pried her hand away from the spot she was holding to inspect it. "There isn't a bump or anything, does it hurt?"

She thought for a moment, quickly glancing over Mitch's shoulder before looking back at his face. "Em, yeah. I think I need a bandaid, let's go get one."

She grabbed Mitch's hand in hers and tried to take him towards the downstairs bathroom where they kept the bandaids stored. Being only four though, she didn't have nearly enough strength to pull him even an inch.

"You can't put a bandaid on your head, it'll get stuck to your hair and we'll need to cut it. You don't want me to chop off all your lovely blonde princess hair, do you?"

Riley paused, panic flashing in her eyes. "No no no, don't do that! Em, maybe we just pretend... yeah, we'll pretend but we need to go in the bathroom."

Mitch chuckled at his daughter's request. Ever since Scott introduced the girls to the magic world of play pretend, everything was 'pretend'. "Let's pretend the wall is colouring paper and draw all over it." "Let's pretend to eat our vegetables."

"Okay, we'll do that in a minute but I need to go see Carter."

Mitch moved to get up but Riley grabbed onto his green, woollen sweater, making him stutter in his movement and almost topple over onto her.


"No?" he raised an eyebrow. He knew his daughter's well and could tell when they were up to something. This whole thing was looking suspicious. The lack of over the top, unnecessary tears they seemed to love, should've been the first dead giveaway. They definitely got their dramatics from their papa.

"Em..." Riley's eyes were darting all around the room, not focusing on any one thing for too long. Suddenly, she gripped the side of her head again. "It doesn't hurt anymore so I'm gon' go play, 'kay?"

She went to dash off but Mitch quickly caught her in his arms. "Not so fast, buttercup. Just because it doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't mean Carter doesn't get into trouble for pushing you in the first place. We don't hit, remember? And what happens when we break the rules?"

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