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Hour 1

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Mitch grumbled under his breath, slamming his bag down.

He shouldn't be surprised that his flight had been delayed on Christmas Eve but that doesn't mean he's any less pissed about it. He was already leaving it later than he would have liked to get home for the holidays but with this 6 hour delay, he wouldn't be arriving in Texas until about 10pm local time. This was not how he wanted to spend his Christmas Eve. He wanted to be merrily tipsy by that time, laden down with eggnog and homemade chocolate chip cookies and surrounded by his family that he seldom gets the chance to see. But bad weather and a mass of late Christmas travellers were disrupting his plans.

With the number of disgruntled passengers now confined within the airport, it made finding a seat anywhere increasingly difficult. Swarms of people gathered in every open space, fighting for the last outlet and perching on any flat surface they could find. Mitch had seen one kid balanced on top of a trash can as his sister was precariously lounging on the edge of a plant pot. Families upon families were waiting about with children whining and crying and just generally being annoying. Definitely not how he wanted to spend his Christmas Eve.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit there?"

Mitch looked up at the stranger who was wanting to fit into the tiniest floor space left next to him. Unless it was a small child wanting to sit down, there was no way anyone else would be able to cram themselves in. But this stranger was definitely not a child and in no way was he small. In fact, he was taller than Mitch by maybe half a foot and was all long limbs.

"Em, sure," Mitch replied, somewhat eager to see how this situation would turn out.

The blonde man in front of him dropped his backpack on the floor at this feet and stepped over Mitch's crossed leg into the empty space. Mitch watched as he turned around and back again, obviously trying to decide the best way to tackle this.

Mitch laughed but lifted his knee up to give the giant slightly more room. The man smiled sheepishly in thanks and somehow managed to fold himself into the 2ft space. They were closer than Mitch liked to be with men he had only just met but he wasn't willing to give up his valuable, sought after space by the outlets. He knew the minute he stood up the teenagers would flock with their iPhones and iPads and iPods and he would likely have to stand for the rest of the 6 hour delay.

"So... Texas, huh?" the stranger started, looking down at his legs crumpled underneath him.

Mitch startled at the quiet voice basically right in his ear, not expecting to have to make small talk with this man. Don't get him wrong, he loved getting to know new people and this man, in particular, he would love to get know really well but his mood had already been significantly dampened when he heard the dreaded announcement over the intercom.


"Cool. That's where I'm headed too. I mean, obviously or I wouldn't be getting cramp from sitting here and painfully trying to make small talk with the cute boy who looks like he'd rather be literally anywhere else but here..." the blonde sucked in a breath and shook his head. "And now I'm rambling, I'm sorry."

The whole awkward thing wasn't Mitch's usual cup of tea but it was really working for the blonde. Mitch would have thought he was the strong, confident type just by looking at him but it was endearing to see he was just a shy, little puppy on the inside. Then again, he knew better than to judge a book by it's cover but what a nice cover this was.

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