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They were breaking almost every single one of Esther's rules.  No being late to soundcheck, no sexual activities of any kind during "working hours" - and though it was never actually said, it was definitely implied - no sex in the dressing rooms. But the biggest rule written in all caps, bold, underlined with a big fat star next to it: no sex with each other. That was a rule that had been broken on multiple occasions.

"Fuck, Scott.  I need you," Mitch moaned from where he was standing as Scott attacked his neck with his mouth.

"You'll get me, baby.  I've been thinking about you and the last time we did this," Scott growled and forced Mitch back against the wall with a less than delicate thud.  "So good."

Scott grabbed both of Mitch's petite wrists in his hands and brought them over his head, pinning them there with only one of his.  He worked a leg in between Mitch's skinny jean clad ones and raised it just enough that Mitch could feel him there but did nothing to relieve any tension.

"How do you want this, Mitchy?  You want me to fill you up?" Scott smirked, running a hand teasingly up and down the smaller man's torso. 

"Please," was the whimpered response.

Mitch was already writhing against the wall, worked up beyond belief.  This wasn't a regular occurrence between him and his blonde counterpart but it was far from uncommon.  Numerous times the bond and tension between them became unbearable and they let themselves surrender to their deepest desires.  No one else seemed to satiate them the way the other did, no one else could even compare.

If they weren't in a band together and had to work with each other all day everyday, they would give the whole relationship thing a go but as it stood, they weren't willing to risk anything if things went south.  Neither of them ever saw that happening but Esther and Jonathan were a different matter.  Now they were just biding their time and messing about until they would inevitably grow old together and probably get married.

"Scott, please."

Scott adjusted the height on his leg to give Mitch a little more as he palmed his through his jeans.  Mitch sought out Scott's lips and moaned deep into his mouth, trying his best to be quiet. 

Scott pulled away, Mitch's plump bottom lip caught between his teeth before snapping back.  "Do you think you can be quiet or do I need to gag you?"

Mitch whimpered and nodded.  Scott didn't need to ask him which one he was referring to because he just knew.  He knew Mitch better than he knew himself.  He peeled his body away, noting Mitch's whine of displeasure and searched their dressing room for something he could use to keep Mitch's pretty little moans quiet.  He spotted the brunette's new vetements robe hanging on the back of chair and moved to take the tier out of it, it would have to do.  Scott had grown to hate this new addition to Mitch's wardrobe because on show days, Mitch would strut around in it wearing nothing but boxers underneath whilst they were getting ready to go on stage.  The amount of times he wanted to do undo that knot and take him right there were uncountable.

He stalked back over to Mitch, running the red and black fabric between his fingers.  "You want this?" he smirked at Mitch's desperate nod.  Scott lowered his arms that he still held above his head despite there not being anything to keep them there and tied the material at the back of his head, making sure the front was caught between swollen lips.  "That okay?"

Mitch hummed in response and waited for Scott to make his next move.  The blonde wasted no time stripping Mitch of his clothes and quickly following, happy to release his quickly growing erection.  Soundcheck was in less than 10 minutes so they didn't have a lot of time to do this but the need to be close to each other again was too overwhelming to let the moment slip.  Mitch stood unabashedly naked against the cold wall, a hand going to run up his chest and tease his nipple.  It was a pretty sight to have someone so beautiful offering themselves up to you like that and Scott savoured it every single time, taking a mental picture to store away for use at a later date. 

Forever and Always - Scomiche One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora