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A little smut??? Idk, I tried

Scott was very competitive.  He had this overwhelming desire to win all the time.  He made a competition out of anything; especially when he knew there wouldn't be any chance of him losing.  But Scott didn't always win and god forbid when he didn't.  He was the prime example of a sore loser.  He would pout and stomp about whenever he lost at anything and it had gotten to the point where everyone would just let him win because dealing with a 6'3" toddler was never fun.

It was on a free night on tour in Australia when the crew decided to go bowling. They packed themselves into the van and headed for the nearest bowling alley. It was on the drive that Scott thought it would be fun to split into two teams and make it a little competition. Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes but Scott was unfazed. He considered himself somewhat of a pro when it came to bowling so he was confident he wasn't going to lose.

When they arrived, Scott split the 7 of them into two teams; Scott, Nicole and Austin against Mitch, Kirstin, Esther and Kate.  The teams weren't evenly matched considering Scott really was very good at the game and Austin had arms the size of Mitch's body but no one complained. 

"We're so gonna beat you guys!"  Scott exclaimed as they headed towards their lanes.

"I'm sure you are, Scotty," Mitch placated his boyfriend.  They were going to be in for a long night if he didn't.

Scott didn't win.    

His team was up by 30 points halfway through the game but Nicole decided that was when she had had enough and gave up trying.  Scott wanted to take her turn for her but Mitch told him that was cheating and he could only win if it was done fairly.  Scott huffed but painstakingly watched Nicole shoot her ball right down the gutter.

Austin wasn't of much use either.  He had those arms that could launch the ball down the lane with extreme force but that only counted if he actually kept it in line with the pins.  The bumpers would have been a good idea if Scott hadn't claimed that they were also cheating.  So Scott was left to carry his team but there was only so much he could do.

Mitch and the girls cheered and danced in celebration as Scott watched on with narrowed eyes and pouty lips.  Mitch eventually took notice and made his way over to plop himself down on his boyfriends lap.  He wrapped his arms around the blondes neck but the latter left his arms hanging at his sides.

"Oh baby, it's okay.  You don't always have to win," Mitch cooed.

Scott turned to glare at Mitch and mumbled, "it wasn't fair anyway."

It probably wasn't fair but Scott had been the one to choose the teams in the first place so that was his fault.

"C'mon, babe. We can go play on the dance machines, you love that." Mitch stood up and held his hand out for Scott who was still sulking. He reluctantly took the polished hand in front of him and followed Mitch into the arcade area.

The flashing lights and obnoxious sounds coming from about a thousand different machines started to coax Scott out of his mood. His inner child was just waiting to burst out and there was even a hint of a smile on his face at the sight of a Pokémon claw machine.

After his devastating loss on bowling, he was quietly confident about his ability to win on the dance machine. His co-ordination was a little better than Mitch's and he spent half his childhood in arcades dominating kids of all ages on these machines. He didn't want to get too smug but he knew there was no chance he'd lose at this.

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