Christmas Eve

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"Come on, Mitch. The plane will leave without us," I shouted through the house to Mitch who was still frantically trying to gently squash his bulky vetements into his suitcase. "I know you like to call yourself a queen but that plane waits for no one but the actual Queen."

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming!" I heard him yell back but 5 minutes later, he was yet to appear.

"Mitch, if you make me come down there I swear to god..."

"I'm here, chill it out."

I looked at the tiny boy with the suitcase that undoubtedly weighed more than he did and the daunting staircase in front of him. This would be quite the sight. I leaned back against the wall behind me and crossed my arm over my chest.

"Okay, I just need to get..." I watched on as Mitch struggled to find a good grip on his case, knocking it over multiple times before he turned his back to the stairs and yanked his case up with him.

"You better not ruin our stairs."

"I wouldn't have to do this if the guy with the muscles wasn't just standing there being useless," Mitch snapped, breathing laboured from the exertion.

"You never asked," I pointed out, a smile gracing my face at his huff and the dramatic wiping of his brow. "I was too busy admiring the view."

"Gross, perv. Let's just get out of here."


We arrived in Texas to a thin layer of white snow covering the ground and more little flurries making their way down. Los Angeles and it's year long summer was great but it was nice to get a bit of variety, something we only ever got on tour. I enjoyed having the cold nip at my nose and the tips of my fingers and getting to wrap up warm. I liked actually feeling cold in winter like I was supposed to.

My dad came to pick us up at the airport and after dropping Mitch off with Mike and Nel, I was finally home with my family. We didn't have too many family traditions, nothing beyond the usual have a big family meal and drink way too much, but it was nice to just be able to relax and breathe for a minute without having to worry about work. I loved Pentatonix and that I got to do what I had always wanted to for a living but the short break we got over Christmas was more than welcome.

I spent my days drinking hot chocolate with way too many marshmallows until I could physically feel my teeth rioting from the sugar overload and watching every Christmas movie on tv, no matter how terrible it was. Lauren and her husband had arrived, meaning Landon was finally here. He was my favourite part of coming home for the holidays, I missed out on way too much with working and travelling all the time but I was going to make the most of this.

I had promised Landon we'd go ice skating on Christmas Eve, not that he remembered because his toddler brain wasn't yet equipped to remember things like that, but I wanted to go regardless. I had texted Mitch, because even though it had only been three days since I last saw him, I missed him terribly. It was like I had lost a limb, I was completely useless without him. He wasn't a fan of sports or anything that required physical activity but he agreed to come anyway. He wouldn't admit it but I know he was missing me, too. What can I say? We're disgustingly reliant on each other.

"Do you even know how to ice skate?" I asked as we stepped onto the ice, holding Landon's tiny gloved hand on mine. Mitch was gripping onto the barrier for dear life even though we were yet to move.

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