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This is the last of Christmas fics so I hope you enjoyed them all, it was stressful at times but I really enjoyed writing them and all of your lovely comments have been wonderful.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all :) I hope you have a joyous day filled with everything you love.

(Ps this is my favourite one I've written and it's also the longest)

How he ended up in a bustling city, surrounded by a swarm of humans and baking under an unnaturally hot sun, he did not know. One minute he was adding Jonathan's toy train to the ever growing pile of toys for the nice children, the next he was falling down the chute into the pile of completed toys and when he woke up, he ended up here. He wasn't sure where here was exactly but it certainly wasn't Santa's Workshop in the North Pole. There were no reindeer transporting the elves about and no Mrs Claus stuffing them all full of milk and cookies to keep them energised for their long work days in the strenuous run up to C-Day. There was no Freddie shouting out orders or Velma scolding Babette for sneaking an extra candy cane in for the really nice children. There was nothing familiar here and Mitch didn't like it. He wanted to be back with his friends, getting drunk on hot chocolate and watching the never ending snowfall. Not here where humans were running about half dressed, ignorant and rude to everyone around them.

The sun was too hot and the wind was too breezy. The ground was too solid under the soft soles of his shoes. Everything about this place was the complete opposite of the North Pole, it was all wrong. He had been here for barely 10 minutes and he was already certain he hated it. No, not hate, Santa doesn't believe in the word hate. But he strongly disliked it here. He needed to work out how to get back home.

Mitch pulled his little green hat tighter on his head, short tufts of brown hair poking out from underneath and the gold bell at the end jingling as it always did. At least he still had his typical working clothes to make him feel more comfortable. The subtle jingling of his hat and shoes as he wandered around this foreign place was like music to his ears, calming his increasingly heightening nerves.

"Watch it, weirdo!" A human with long, uncombed hair, wearing nothing but unflattering shorts and a tank top zoomed past on a skateboard, only just barely missing the elf.

The shock of almost being knocked over and trying to move out of the way so quickly sent Mitch back onto his ass. He wondered briefly if he had been the one to make that skateboard, but from the scowl and aggressive voice of the boy, he knew he probably wasn't on the nice list. Santa would never tolerate such name calling at the Workshop.

"Hey, you okay?" Another human was quick to rush forward and help Mitch to his feet. The man stuck out a hand, and though he was skeptical of humans, he appreciated the manners of this one so allowed him to help him to his feet.

"Yes, I am fine," Mitch answered quietly, dusting off the back of his red and white striped leggings. Physically, he was fine but the pounding of his heart and the frazzled mess in his brain were another story.

"You sure? You look a little lost."

Mitch raised his head to look at the human with yellow hair and eyes so blue he didn't know that colour even existed. He figured he would give it a go and ask for help because he really wasn't sure how to even go about getting home.

He smiled big, allowing his dimples to show. "Yes, yes I am lost. Will you help me?"

"Sure, where you heading?" The man smiled back and Mitch felt his insides go gooey. It was a strange sensation and he wasn't sure he liked it. That trip down the chute must have turned his insides to mush.

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