The Streamys

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A lil dribble bc those outfits really affected me.

PS I started a new book for the You Don't Deserve My Love one shots and it includes a never before seen one shot so you should definitely check it out (pls)

Mitch and I were at a Candice's place trying on outfits for the Streamy awards.  Pentatonix had performed at the Streamys a couple of years ago but this time, Mitch and I were asked to present.  I was excited about celebrating and recognising online content creators but I've seen the Streamys before... not great. Still, it was for Team Internet so I was down.

Candice pulled over a rack of clothing, sifting through until she found what she was looking for.  Her hand paused on a dark garment and she turned to face Mitch and I as we slumped back on the couch that was there.

"Okay.  So, I found this jacket that I absolutely loved but I couldn't decide who to pull it for.  I think it would look great on both of you," Candice started slowly. "Then I saw one that was very, very similar so Birta and I got to thinking..." She spun back round to grab a couple of items off the rail before turning back and thrusting them at us.  "Matching outfits!"

I looked at the jackets then at Mitch.  They were nice jackets and indeed matching, though they weren't exactly the same.  I wasn't sure how Mitch would feel about wearing the same thing though.  He was so into fashion and loved his own unique style so I couldn't imagine him getting on board with this idea.  Pentatonix is always co-ordinated but other than the Sing Off we never wore anything that looked so identical.

"I pulled a couple of other things if you're not into this, I just thought it would be cute," Candice smiled nervously.

"I mean-" I started but was abruptly cut off by Mitch jumping up to snatch one the jackets out of Candice's delicate hands.

"We'll look so fucking married. Oh my god, we'll be like Britney and Justin circa 2001. Except better because that denim get up was not doing it for me, honey!" Mitch exclaimed, holding the jacket up to his body. "What do you think, Stephanie? Do I look hot?"

"On fire, babe but wait, you want to match?" I asked, not even masking my shock.

"What, you don't want to?" I didn't miss the dimming of lit up golden eyes.

"I do but I didn't think you would."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because your style is your own. I didn't think you'd want me imposing on that."

"Listen, babe. We're going to look really hot. The fans will lose their shit," he laughed, a wicked glint in his eye. I use to be the number 1 offender for teasing the fans with scomiche but Mitch was rivalling that title now. I hadn't even thought of the fan's reactions; they really would lose their goddamn minds.

"Wait, they'll know about us then..."

"Know what about us? That we fucking slay every look we wear? Yes henny, they're going to know." Mitch's smile was wide and bright, complete with deep dimples. He was going to be the death of me, how am I suppose to say no to that face?

"Well yeah but no, they'll know scomiche is real."

"Girl, have you ever been on twitter? They already know scomiche is real. We could hop on stage and make out and literally no one would be surprised. Matching outfits aren't going to change anything."

He did have a point. Most fans were already 100% convinced we were a couple, constantly teasing us with "always platonic". We know we're not platonic and they definitely know it, too. All they were waiting on was actual confirmation. I had seen a couple of them joking that we could get married and have kids and they still wouldn't believe us because of how much we tease them but maybe that would be for the best. We always wanted to keep our relationship ambiguous and I guess this worked.

"Okay, true. So we're doing it?"

"Yeah, I think we should. This will either be extremely adorable or totally lame but I'm about it."

Candice piped in, mouth turned up in a smile, "I'm thinking just all black and then the jackets. I have red shoes for Mitch and a hat so that'll change it up a bit. You want to try them on?"

Mitch and I put on our outfits and I have to admit, it was a fantastic decision. I kissed Mitch hard on the mouth when he appeared dawning his completed look. "You look ridiculously hot, babe. We're a fucking power couple in these."

"Damn straight we are. Let's go own these awards, honey!"

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