Platonic - pt. 1

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This is 10,000 words of mediocrity, it's a long one. Part 2 will hopefully be up soon.

Scott and I had always had a particularly close friendship.  Right from the get go when we met at 8 years old.  Our moms would constantly joke about us not being able to function without the other but honestly, it was partly true.  I did everything with Scott.  Everything.  So, to me, it seemed inevitable that I would fall in love with him.  It's like in the movies, they always fall for their best friend, right?  But this was certainly no movie.  There was no witty title and there was no dramatic score playing in the background as I went about my life.  But more importantly, there was no happy ending. This love was definitely unrequited.

If this was a movie, Scott would announce his undying love for me and I'd return the sentiment and we'd live happily ever after.  But no.  This was real life, this was reality and I was just a 17 year old gay boy hopelessly in love with his best friend.  Ugh, I can practically feel all the eye rolls directed at me.  Of course I fell in love with my best friend.

I couldn't just find a cute boy at Starbucks who works as the barista I see every time I go in that eventually writes his number on my cup with a cute little smiley face on the end.  I couldn't find a cute boy at the library when I make a last minute, life changing decision to go in to study for once.  I couldn't find a cute boy who accidentally runs into me on the sidewalk whilst he's trying to keep up with his new, adorable Labrador puppy.  No, that would be too easy.  Instead I had to go through the struggle of loving the boy who was around me 24/7 but also the one boy I couldn't have.

We were best friends.  There was no way we'd ever be more.  No matter how much I wanted it.  But could you really blame me for wanting more?

We held hands.  We cuddled together during our spongebob marathons.  We placed gentle kisses on cheeks and foreheads.  Of course, this was all in the privacy of our own bedrooms.  According to our friends, it wasn't normal but we were Scott and Mitch and it was our normal.  We knew it wasn't socially acceptable for friends who were boys and especially not acceptable for any boys in Texas, romantic or platonic.

But we weren't romantic.  At all.  Even if I felt butterflies every time Scott flashed me a smile complete with perfect, dazzling teeth.  Thank god for braces. Even if heat coloured my cheeks whenever he paid me a off-handed compliment.  Even if I desperately wished every time we were cuddling I could lift my head and place a kiss on those lips I've dreamt about on many, many occasions. We were simply platonic.

Fucking platonic. Scott doesn't even know the meaning of the word. Platonic, my ass.

"Hey Mitchy, we still on for tonight?" Scott asked as he fell in step with me walking down the hallway.

Ah yes, our "not date" to the movies. "Of course."

"Cool. I was thinking we could go see suicide squad. I've heard it's pretty shitty but I still kinda wanna see it, ya know?"

"Whatever you want, Scott." It was always whatever he wanted because I was so fucking whipped I couldn't bare to tell him no.

He got me to go to a haunted house at a carnival once and if you know me, I absolutely do not do anything even remotely scary. I had originally said no but as soon as I saw those sad little baby blues I immediately retracted my answer and went. I cried like a baby the entire time and couldn't sleep for a week but I got to see his smile so it was worth it. Well if I'm being honest, it wasn't. I tried to tell myself it was but I regretted it more and more every time he so much as mentioned the scary, headless creature that haunted my dreams. I would say never again but we all know if he asked, I'd be first in line.

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