Out of State

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A night out in town wasn't typically Mitch's definition of fun. He was much happier with dinner and bowling or crazy golf or the movies. Something lowkey where drunk strangers didn't feel entitled to touch him whenever they felt like it. But every once in a while when he did decide to go out, he had an amazing time. This was one of them.

Kirstin, Mitch, Esther, Kate and Nicole were pregaming in Mitch's little homey apartment in downtown LA getting themselves all dolled up to check out the Los Angeles nightlife. A gay club was on the agenda for tonight because Mitch was in desperate need of finding himself a man. Or at least finding himself a temporary man and a gay club was an almost guaranteed way of finding an eligible bachelor he could use for the night. Mitch was a very pretty boy and he knew it; getting someone's attention wouldn't be so hard. Sorting through that attention to find any potentials would be the hardest part. LA was filled with sleezy guys and Mitch had had to deal with his fair share in the 3 years he has lived here.

"MITCHELL!" Kirstin exclaimed, hands going up to cover her gaping mouth. "How dare you look so goddamn hot."

Mitch laughed at the playful scolding and spun around before stopping in front of the girls with the tip of his left index finger caught between his teeth.

"I swear if you don't get anyone tonight, I'm coming home with you." Nicole gawked, her face void of any jest.

"Ladies, ladies. There's enough of me to go around." Mitch winked and slowly bent down fix the leg of his heeled boots. They were sitting fine but Mitch loved the drama, henny.

"Right, our uber's here. Let's rock, girls!" Esther jumped up and everyone piled out of Mitch's apartment and into the awaiting black uber.

The most popular club in the area was bouncing but for some reason the group of 5 were rejected entry with a half assed reply of "not tonight".  No reason, no explanation, just a straight no. 

But the brunette boy and his girls were not about to let that dampen their mood so they about turned and strutted across the road to another club.  XM was a bit of a dive and not usually all that busy but entry was cheap and it was their best bet for the moment; they could always just try the other club again later.

"We'll just stay here for a drink or two then head back but let's split up this time, Kirstin with me and Kate and Esther go with Nicole, okay?"  Mitch strategised the new entry plan whilst marching across the dance floor straight to the bar.  The club wasn't most the pleasing to look at but not totally terrible and if the interior reflected the kind of people that frequented here, then Mitch was definitely going to need a couple vodka sodas before doing literally anything else.

"There's a booth over there, want me to go grab it?"  Nicole pointed at an open table just next the bar.

"Yeah, perfect placement.  Momma has easy access to the alcohol."  Mitch smiled and faced the bartender to order a round of shots for everyone as well as a drink.

Tray loaded with an array of colourful drinks in hand, Mitch sashayed back to his girls.  Well sashayed as much as one can with a heavy tray of liquids sloshing about. 

"It might not be how we envisioned the night but as my good pal Hannah Montana says 'life's what you make it so let's make it rock'"  Mitch held up his own pink shot glass after handing everyone else one.  "CHEERS!"

"CHEERS!" was echoed back and 5 shots were downed with ease.

One shot led to another which led to another and before Mitch even knew what was going on he was well on his way to drunk.  In fact he might've already gotten there.

Being drunk was a rarity for Mitch.  Sure, he got heavily tipsy all the time but it wasn't often he got black out drunk.  The brunette didn't care at all tonight, probably due to the mass quantity of alcohol already flowing through his system.  He was having fun; he was laughing with his best friends and dancing to some of his favourite artists.  He almost forgot he was even hoping to find himself a boy.  Being with his girls and just letting loose was enough for tonight.

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