The Story of Us

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Scott had always been in love with Mitch.  Even before he knew what being in love was.


"How was your first day at school, honey?"  Scott's mother, Connie, asked as she pulled out of the elementary school Scott now attended.

"It was real good.  I made lots of friends and there was this one boy and his name is Mitch, well it's actually Mitchell, that's what the teacher calls him but he doesn't like that so he said I could call him Mitch and he's really cool.  He let me borrow his crayons because he got really cool ones that are shaped like rockets... Can I get some crayons like that?"  Scott let out in one breath, still buzzing from a great first day of first grade.

"If we ever come across any I'm sure we could get you some."  Connie smiled at her son in the rear view mirror before focusing back on the road.

"Okay, good.  And guess what else?"  Scott plowed on before his mom could answer, "Mitch said that I can go to his house to play because we're friends now."

"He'll need to ask his parents first, kiddo."

"Yeah but he said they'll say yes because they're super nice.  Can I go, mom?"  The little blonde boy bounced around in his seat.

"If it's alright with Mitch's parents, we'll organise something, okay?"

"Yay! Thanks, mom."  Scott beamed and settled down in his seat, very happy with his new school in this new town.



"Yes, Scotty?"  Connie put down the plate she was rinsing and turned to her son.

"I'm in love," Scott announced boldly.

Connie chuckled a little as she dried off her hands.  "Oh, you are, are you?"


"And who's the lucky girl?"

"Mitchy isn't a girl, mom," Scott laughed as if Connie had just told him some joke.


"Yeah, Mitch.  I'm in love with Mitch," the 6 year old could not look happier about that, his smile wide and blue eyes sparkling.

"Huh.  And does Mitch love you?" Connie smiled down at her son as she held out her hand to him.  Scott latched on and she led him to the dining table.

"I don't know," Scott shrugged.  "But he's my best friend and he's really cute and he always shares his dunkaroos with me so I'm going to marry him."

Connie laughed, "you have to wait a while before you can get married, Scotty buckets."

"I know that but one day when we're old, we'll get married."

"Does Mitch know this?"

"No because I haven't asked him yet.  I need a ring first... do you have a ring I can borrow?  I'll give you it back when I get a really good one like a big blue sparkly one because blue is his favourite colour, ya know."

"Is it?  Well I don't think I have any rings that'll fit his little fingers I'm afraid but perhaps we could go to the mall?"  Connie was never one to crush her childrens' dreams and if Scott wanted to marry Mitch then she would be there to support him 100% because what kind of mother would she be if she didn't?

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