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If you've ever seen Skam, this will probably feel familiar ;)

Mitch loved partying. He loved to dance and drink as much alcohol as his body would allow before passing out. But being surrounded by horny teens all making out and grinding like it was their job... well, that wasn't all that fun. Mostly because of Mitch's new found sexuality and the saddening lack of openly gay boys at his school. It didn't leave him many options when it came to drunken hookups so he was always left awkwardly skirting the sidelines as couple after couple disappeared, only to return with a lazy smile on their faces and a wrongly buttoned shirt.

He also wasn't out to anyone except his closest friends yet so that made it especially hard to hit on guys. He couldn't just walk up to any guy, get his flirt on and hope for the best, because not only would the rejection suck, he would also be very out and he wasn't sure if that was something he wanted right now. He knew it was only a matter of time before he came out - he was very certain about his sexuality because there was no denying the juvenile crushes he had on some of the boys in his class - but he wanted to do it on his own terms when he was good and ready.

So he kept his mouth shut (unfortunately) and drowned his sorrows - and sexual frustration - with alcohol, trying his best to block out the absurdly hot blonde who had been making eyes at him all night.

He knew Scott from around school, but only enough to know his name and the fact that he was extremely attractive. They had had a few interactions but nothing more than a passing moment that Mitch was sure Scott would never remember. Of course he never forgot them, a boy as hot as Scott was very difficult to erase from Mitch's little gay brain. But the way blue eyes were trailing over his lithe body, practically undressing him as Scott ignored the people chatting around him suggested that maybe he had actually noticed Mitch before. At least, he certainly was now.

It wasn't until most of the party had cleared out that Mitch found himself naturally gravitating towards Scott. There were so few people left it wasn't subtle when the brunette followed Scott from room to room, attempting to make himself look busy. He knew he should be embarrassed at the knowing looks Scott kept shooting him, but the alcohol was still buzzing through him enough to not care at all. His body was simply responding to the looks Scott had been giving him all night now that there were fewer people to witness his possible social demise. Being rejected by (in Mitch's opinion) the hottest guy at school would be difficult to come back from, but right now, Mitch was willing to risk it.

"So are you ever gonna say something to me or are you just going to keep pretending you're cleaning up?"

Mitch tore his gaze away from Scott's profile and quickly glanced over his shoulder, checking he was in fact talking to him.

"I mean, I'm not complaining, there's worse attention to have..." Scott turned to face him, empty beer bottles gathered in his hands. "But I would much prefer actually talking to you."

Mitch's mouth flapped as he thought of something to say. He knew he wasn't exactly being discreet but he never thought he would be called out on it. He hadn't thought this far ahead.

Scott chuckled and tucked another bottle under his arm. "Not much a talker, eh?"

When there was still no response, Scott continued, "the silent type, I see... I'm into it."

Mitch's cheeks flushed and he found interest in the stained carpet below him, clutching the single can he had picked up tightly in his hand. Scott watched him for a few moments before getting the strong impression that Mitch hadn't actually wanted to talk to him at all.

Forever and Always - Scomiche One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora