Secret Santa

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Scott never liked doing secret Santa. He always ended up pulling the name of someone he either didn't know or didn't like. He struggled buying gifts for his family and friends let alone a stranger. It just made his Christmas shopping 10x more stressful than it already was.

"What do I get the guy who likes nothing?" Scott asked completely exhausted from spending the entire day traipsing from one store to the next, buying everything but a present for his secret Santa.

"I don't know. Why don't you just get him a nice pen and call it a day?" Kirstin suggested halfheartedly with a shrug, eyeing up a pair of thigh boots in a store window. "Let's go in here."

"Kirst, I have no time for this," Scott sighed loudly, pulling at his disheveled hair. "Unless you want me to get Mitch a pair of thigh high boots then we're not going in."

"Oh c'mon, dipdot. It'll take 5 minutes, I've been wanting a pair just like this for ages." Kirstin glanced over her shoulder at the pathetic looking man reluctantly trailing behind her. "Fine, you can wait outside with the bags if you want. Sit over there."

Scott followed her instructions and dumped himself onto the wooden bench in the middle of the mall, all too grateful for a seat.

Why his boss felt the need to arrange an office secret Santa was beyond him. They had never done anything like this before and that worked out just fine for them so why bother changing it now? He didn't buy Ms Blye's excuse that it would help boost employee morale and develop relationships amongst her workforce in a more personal level. She just enjoyed seeing them flustered and frantic. Sadistic bitch. On top of that, she had a particular hatred for Scott and he was 100% convinced she had somehow managed to rig the entire thing so he would end up with Mitch's name.

Mitch Grassi was the office outcast. He didn't get along with anyone and seldom even left his office, opting to spend his lunch hours with only his phone for company. Every time the staff would get together to grab a drink after a long working day, Mitch always snubbed his nose up at them like he was better than them. Scott didn't like that at all, he had zero time for people who were as rude and egotistical as Mitch was.

Kirstin reappeared, enormous shopping bag in hand, half an hour later. Scott isn't even shocked her 5 minutes ended up being the length of two whole spongebob episodes, he was use to running on Kirstin time where 5 minutes meant 30 and 30 meant 3 hours. He shut off the yellow sponge and allowed the small but mighty blonde pull him to his very tired, very sore feet.

"I got the most gorgeous boots, Scotty. I can't wait to show you them on, they're stunning," Kirstin gushed as they made their way out of the overcrowded mall and into the equally crowded parking lot.

"That's great, Kirst."

"Would you stop moping for a second? You don't even like Mitch! Buy him a pair of fucking socks, what do you care?"

"I do so like Mitch and I'm not going to be the lame person that shows up with a pair of $3 socks and have him completely destroy me in front of everyone. No, I'll save myself the humiliation."

"You don't even know Mitch to know if you like him. The ice queen makes sure of that, shutting himself away in his dark, cold chamber... Kind of like his heart actually."

Scott laughed gently though it was lacking any real joy, today's shopping excursion had completely exhausted him and the 10 minute drive home was seeming impossible.

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