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College was great. Mitch liked college. He got freedom and independence as well as a good education that would hopefully help him create his future. His dorm was decent and his roommate was perfect for him; tidy, not too loud, respectable. The campus was beautiful and the food was delicious. Everything was great.

Except the boys. There were so many hot boys around all the time, which shouldn't be a problem except for the fact Mitch was horribly awkward around them. He didn't know how to strike up a causal conversation and do the whole flirty thing, no matter how hard he tried. He had hoped coming to college would help his confidence when talking to them because boys in college aren't as dumb as high school boys but instead he retreated further into his hole of loneliness and desperation. He just wanted a boyfriend, that was all. Was it really too much to ask for?

The petite brunette made his way back to his dorm after a long day of sitting through lectures that he only paid attention to half of the time. Cory was already in their room when he pushed the wooden door open. He had books spread around him as though he was studying but his focus was on the phone in his hand, a shy smile on his face.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Mitch teased as he unceremoniously dumped his bag at the foot of his bed.

"Shut up. Stephen is not my boyfriend," Cory pouted, eyes still intently locked on the screen.

"With all the moping you do about it, trust me, I know." Mitch rolled his eyes and flopped back onto his bed. That late night study session was finally starting to take its toll on him. He let his eyes drift close as he listened to Cory's quiet giggles.

He couldn't help but feel jealous of his roommate. Cory had walked into campus on day 1 and instantly bagged himself a potential boyfriend. Cory and Stephen had this back and forth thing going on for 5 weeks now and Mitch was getting a little sick of it. One minute Cory would be gushing at how sweet Stephen was, the next he was nearly crying because they still hadn't been on a date and Cory was starting to doubt himself. Mitch just wished they would buck up their ideas and finally get together, it's inevitable at this point so what's the point delaying it? Then again that would mean sex in their dorm and Mitch quite liked that he never had to worry about walking in on any awkward situations so maybe they could wait a while until Mitch had his own place.

"Oh my god."

Mitch kept his eyes shut, thinking about the sleep that was clawing at him.

"Oh my god.  Oh my god!"

Mitch sighed and rolled over onto his side, facing the wall so his back was to Cory, hoping he'd get the hint and shut the fuck up. 

"Oh my god!!"

He didn't.  Mitch huffed and heaved himself up to glare at Cory.  "This better be fucking good."

The brunette on the bed opposite him hadn't even registered Mitch moving about and startled at the annoyed voice.  "Hm?"

"What's got you freaking out?  And I swear if you say it's because Stephen called you cute for the 90th time, I'll spit in your mouth."

Cory laughed, his cheeks flushed and a permanent smile etched onto his face.  "He asked me on a date."

"Fucking finally!  Maybe now you'll shut the fuck up and let me sleep," Mitch growled and threw himself back onto his bed, hoping to catch a little shut eye before dinner.

Forever and Always - Scomiche One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora