Busy Bean Café

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Another rainy Seattle morning, another steaming hot cup of coffee in front of him as he tirelessly worked on his songwriting.  Scott visited this little, hole in the wall cafe everyday to brain storm some ideas.  It had the perfect view of the streets outside where he could people watch and hope to find inspiration.  This quaint cafe was never really busy, 3 or 4 customers in at any one of time.  That was its most redeeming quality because the hustle and bustle of a more mainstream coffee shop would distract him too much.  Starbucks was the worst place for Scott to concentrate so the falsely named 'Busy Bean Café' was the blonde songwriters number 1 hotspot.

Being as regular as he was to this establishment he had come to know many of the other regulars as well. There was Crazy Joe, the elderly man who had dyed the remaining hair on his balding head electric blue and could always be seen wearing a raggedy leather jacket. He always had a story from his life to share with the baristas and anyone else who was unfortunate enough to be within the vicinity. Scott seemed to be his favourite victim, probably due to the fact that he was somewhat of a permanent fixture in there. Another frequent visitor was the middle aged woman who came in every morning to get her kids sweet treats for after school. She always looked put together with her sharp pants suit and briefcase but Scott could see the fatigue and general manic hidden behind soft, green eyes. There were a couple other familiar patrons but Scott's favourite was a petite brunette man who would spend barely 5 minutes in the cafe everyday.

Scott wasn't sure if it was because the man would always get his coffee to go and dash back out into the cold right away that had created an air of mystery about him that drew him in but he was infatuated with him. As soon as blue eyes locked onto the slight young man he couldn't look away until the back of him merged with the bustling crowd on the streets outside. 

Scott didn't know what the mystery man's job was so he came up with a couple ideas of his own.  The first was a model because if you saw this guy you would understand why.  Next was a songwriter but that was just wishful thinking because Scott longed to write with him and unravel the mysteriousness surrounding him.  The guesses ranged from anywhere between a mail man to an undercover FBI agent.  That one seemed like a bit of a reach but you never know.

Right on queue, the brunette in question came shuffling in, a large umbrella tucked under his arm allowing him to rub his red hands together for heat.  Scott smiled at the sight because even through the onslaught of wind and rain, he still managed to look like a goddamn model.  Scott would be lying if he said it wasn't the brunette's looks that originally attracted his attention.  He was a gay man who hadn't had any action for a very, very long time, who could blame him?  But the man's general aura and way he held himself as he sauntered about was what kept Scott captivated.  He just oozed confidence and radiated positivity, smiling at everyone and always tipping the barista.  Scott had been lucky enough to get one of his smiles before when he had been caught staring.  He was sure he had melted into a puddle on his seat, a little from embarrassment but mostly because a cute boy had smiled at him.  His songwriting came very easily that day when he thought about plump, pink lips and shapely, dazzling teeth complete with warm, golden eyes and adorable dimples.  Yes, he had felt particularly inspired that day.

The brunette was lazily leaning against the counter, scrolling through his phone, waiting for his coffee like he did every other day. Scott had stopped writing to watch him. He felt a bit creepy but there was just something about that man that was so mesmerising. His coffee was ready and he was heading back out the door, gone just as quickly as he came. The blonde went back to his work with a smile on his face.

The next few days were the same. The stranger would come in, wait for his coffee and leave right away and Scott would stop everything he was doing to subtly watch him then continue his work with his new found inspiration. It was on the Friday that everything was different.

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