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In celebration of my birthday, we're celebrating Mitch's birthday!!

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mitchy, happy birthday to you!" Scott sang loudly, a lit cupcake in one hand and a gift bag in the other.

Mitch leaned down to blow out the candle, pausing to make a wish because despite being 25 years old now, it was still important to make a birthday wish and that new vetements jacket was calling his name. He hoped that that was what was in the gift bag considering how often he talked about it to Scott.

"Thanks, Scotty. Is that present for me?"

"Of course, here you go." He handed it over to the excitable boy who was bouncing on the balls of his feet, clapping his hands together lightly.

Mitch snatched it out of the outstretched hand and darted to the couch to open his present. There wasn't much unwrapping to do considering it was just a layer of black tissue paper that lay on top but he wasn't complaining when he caught a peek of maroon material.

"THANK YOU, SCOTTY!!!" He lunged at the tall blonde who was standing next to couch, watching him open his present with a wide smile on his face. "It's the jacket I wanted, my wish came true!"

"You're welcome, babe. I figured it was more than my life's worth if I didn't, considering how many not so subtle hints you dropped," he chuckled, swallowing Mitch up in his arms and placing a light kiss on the top of his head.

"They weren't suppose to be subtle, honey, I wanted you to know exactly what to get me," he giggled, removing himself from Scott's embrace and lifting the jacket from the bag to try on. "How does it look?"

The sleeves came well past his hands and the bottom of the coat was only an inch away from his knee, he was drowning in maroon but if anyone could make the whole oversized thing work, it was Mitch.

"You look amazing. I love it," Scott answered honestly without a moments hesitation.

"Thanks, hunty."

The boys flopped down onto the couch together, Mitch admiring his new jacket and Scott staring blankly ahead, the smile yet to leave his face.  Making his best friend this happy was maybe his favourite pastime because Mitch made him happy every single day without even trying.

"I can't believe we're both 25 now.  We're halfway to 50." Mitch sighed.

Scott rubbed a hand over his scruff.  "God, we're old.  I remember when I was a kid and I thought I'd be married with kids by now and yet here I am, single as ever."

"You and me both, girl.  7 year old me thought I'd have a wife by now, thank god I don't."

Scott laughed loudly, a hand coming up to cover his mouth. Life at 25 was a lot different from what he had imagined. He thought he'd at least have a steady relationship by now. Well, he did have but that didn't quite work out the way he had hoped. Now he was back to square 1, moving from man to man, bed to bed, waiting for "the one." He had fun, don't get him wrong, he loved this new freedom. He had been in a serious relationship since he was 21 so now was his time. His early 20's, that most used for casual flings, were invested in building a relationship that failed so he was quite enjoying the single life but still, he liked the stability of having a committed boyfriend. The certainty of knowing he always had someone to come home to when he was on tour but now all he had was his cat and a big empty house. Mitch lived there too, of course, they could never be separated long enough to justify living apart but Mitch was on tour with him, not waiting at home.

He didn't necessarily need someone waiting for him but it's not like he could just whisk his future partner off on tour for months on end. Unless they were in the band, which the only eligible candidate would be Mitch, being the only other gay man. He bet he could seduce Avi if he tried, that man wasn't a straight as he seemed, but that would be too much effort for his taste.

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