Red Dinosaur

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Every weekday from now until Christmas I'm going to be posting a new little festive one shot to get in the holiday spirit so I hope you all enjoy :)

The first grade was an entirely new world for Scott. Kindergarten was easy, he got to play and draw pictures and run about whenever he wanted but he was a big first grader now. No more of that little kid stuff, he meant serious business. But of course when he saw the tiny brunette boy's red dinosaur eraser on the end of his pencil, he just had to have it even if that meant whining like a little baby everyday.

"Please. I'll trade you for it," Scott begged, pulling out all the tactics he used on his mom. They didn't seem to have the same effect on Mitch though.

"No, it's mine." Mitch tightened his grip on his pencil, afraid the blonde would just snatch it from him. He was used to that. He was a small kid so the bigger kids always felt like they could just take what they wanted from him. Scott never had though.

"I know but I want it."

"You can't have it."

"But why not?"

"'Cause it's mine."

"But if you give it to me, it'll be mine."

"I can't give you it."

"But why?"

"My mom bought it for me."

That one stumped the blonde. He couldn't take it from Mitch if his mom had gotten him it, that wouldn't be cool. But then again, maybe if he gave Mitch something his mom had gotten him, it would be an even trade.

"You can have my blue sharpener. My mom bought that for me."

"I don't want that. I want my eraser."

Scott continued to beg and beg everyday but Mitch never gave in.  It was his eraser and he needed it to make his pencil look pretty.  He liked the attention Scott was giving him though.  He was a shy boy so not many kids took the time to talk to him but Scott did.  Everyday he was by Mitch's side, harassing him about the eraser until one day he stopped. Eventually his concern wasn't on the eraser but just on Mitch in general. He would ask the brunette every question he could think of and it wasn't long before they were friends. Best friends actually.

Scott and Mitch spent whatever free time they had together and rushed across the classroom to each other when the teacher announced they could work in pairs on a project. Scott even started to bring an extra cheese string in his lunch so he could give Mitch one. His mother thought it was endearing that he had his first best friend so was more than happy to oblige to every request he made when it came to Mitch.

So with Christmas right around the corner, Connie was expecting, and readily awaiting, it when Scott came home from school with an enormous list of gifts he wanted to buy Mitch.  There was no way she was going to indulge in that list because what 6 year old boy needed a coffee machine?  Scott claimed he wanted to get him it because it always made his mom less tired and he never wanted Mitch to feel sleepy because he smiled more when he was wide awake.  Connie simply laughed and ruffled her son's hair.

"You're not supposed to buy them presents, Scotty.  You're supposed to make them," Connie explained as she rummaged about the cupboard for the big box of craft supplies they had.  "Gifts mean more when they come from the heart."

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