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I first started noticing your smile when I started to truly notice you and the feelings you awoke within me. I don't know how I went so long not appreciating it because through all it's different variations, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I love when I'm singing and I look over to you to see a half smile gracing your face and I can practically see the pride radiating from it. You've always supported me and my singing ever since you were Charlie and I was Mike. Now I do everything I can just to see that smile. When we're performing on stage or recording a new video, I know if I just look to my right you'll be there showing me your unwavering, endless support for me through your smile. I never noticed it before because I never saw you as anything other than my best friend who would obviously be there to encourage me but now I see that it's a special smile you reserve only for me. I never see you smile at Avi or Kevin that way, or even Kirstie and I guess that was my first clue.

Your face splitting, open mouthed smile when you're laughing at something I've said is definitely high on my list of favourites. I feel an overwhelming amount of pride when I see you throw your head back and let go of all of your inhibitions because of me.  I don't get to see this one properly often because for some reason you feel the need to cover it with your hand. I always want to tell you not to so I can see the pure joy unfiltered but I've let you do it for years, I didn't want you to think something was different now. I wasn't ready to let you know just yet.

I'm not always funny though so I don't always get to see that smile but you'll replace it with a much smaller, sympathetic smile. It's not the same and it doesn't cause my heart to stutter in my chest but it does send a few butterflies into motion. I can always count on you for a sympathy laugh, no one else would humour me like you do. I always believed it to be just part of your sweetness, always wanting to encourage people and never let them feel unappreciated but now that I see you, I feel like it might be something more.

Your lip bitten smile you display when you're trying not to laugh is a lot sexier than I would care to admit. When I'm being dramatic, over the top and simply ridiculous, you'll pull your lip between your teeth to stop your gorgeous laugh from spilling out. I'm partly glad for that because it's impossible not to laugh when you do, it's infectious, but the other part of me wants to do everything in my power to remove your lip from your teeth. It never use to do anything but piss me off even more but now it only causes another problem to arise. Literally.

When we cuddle together after a long day, I can't see your face from where I'm snuggled in your arms but I know if I were to push myself up enough I would see a soft, relaxed smile on your lips. It's small so it doesn't require much effort but I like that because whenever I'm with you, you make everything feel effortless.

What's not so effortless is the grin you sport whenever you see me after we've been apart. Sometimes when you pick me up at the airport, I can see your smile shining so brightly through the crowd of passengers and I feel at home again. Whether it be days or hours, your beaming smile welcomes me back and I feel completely loved. 

When I started to realise my own feelings, I started to recognise yours too. I don't know how long they had been there but the smiles still looked the same as they always did so I guess for a long time. I never noticed the nervousness in your smile when I would flirt with you. It was always a joke before but now that it's serious, I take note of your slightly blushed cheeks and shaky breath escaping thin, pale lips. I don't know how I ever missed it before.

But you're not always nervous. Often time it's you who has me blushing and forgetting how to breathe properly. I don't know if you're really trying to seduce me but that smirk is definitely working in your favour.

I love all your smiles because they show me what you feel but my most favourite smile of all was after we first kissed. You had taken the flirting too far and I wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off your face - mostly for my own sanity - so I did. I rushed forward and captured that smile with my own. I never knew you could look so beautiful but with that easy smile and kiss swollen lips, you were exquisite.

But it wasn't your smile that held my attention this time, it was your eyes. I had focused on your smile for so long I hadn't realised how expressive those baby blue orbs could be. They were glassy but so full of love. You said everything you needed to say without speaking a word.

"I love you, too."

Forever and Always - Scomiche One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora