I'm Jori's shadow.

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I was back at home and sitting in my room contemplating whether to go to the hospital alone and wait there for Jori. I mean I didn’t want him to take long, and I was anxious to get my first scan done, it’s been 2 months now. I sighed and put my coat on and pinged him that I’d be at the hospital. I went downstairs and left. I got the bus to the hospital and went to entrance two for pregnancy and baby section. I handed my letter to the receptionist and waited. Still no sign of Jori, I became in patient, but I wanted to get this done, so when my name was called I went straight in.

“Hello love, this is you first scan I see.” The nurse said and checked the paper. I smiled and nodded. She told me to sit down and fill out some forms.

  “Are you alone today?” I nodded and sighed, after all the talked and small talk, I lay down and lifted my top and she began squeezing a cool gel on my stomach. Just then the door burst open and jori came in. I smiled relief as he walked in, but that was short-lived when his girlfriend was walking be behind. The nurse turned around and smiled.

“Hello, we’re just about to begin. You must be the father.” She shook his hand.

“Yes! You alright Chelle.” I screwed him and lay my head back and sighed, this is a private thing, it’s not like their married, and it’s not like I’m carrying this child to give to her. I wanted to break down and cry, this girl was going to probably end up at my child’s birth, and boy will I not stand for it.

  “Oh you must be?” The nurse said looking at Paulette. She sniffed and smiled.

“I’m his girlfriend.” She forcefully laughed.

“Right sorry, only family members or the father allowed here, you can wait outside till after she’s done.” The nurse said. I sighed out of relief.

  “Oh well I just wanted to be a part of it, you know see what’s going on.”

“Yep, but I’m sorry this is not appropriate, can you wait outside in the waiting area. They should be about 20 minutes anyway.” I looked at Jori, he looked at me and bit his lips, I screwed him and looked back up at the ceiling.

“Jori...” She called. After a few moments I heard the door shut. I was in relief, I didn’t want to see her here, I didn’t mind at his house, or uni, but come on this is my baby’s scan, not some fascinating film release at the bloody empire cinema. Jori sat next to me and smiled. He received a screw.

“You alright Chelle?” He whispered.

“You’re a twat! How could you bring her here? You fool, don’t even bother explaining yourself.” I spat. I turned to the nurse and watched as she prepared to get the screen up. I sighed and listened to her explain the new use of 3D scans.

“Look! It’s popped up!” We both turned eagerly to see. I was shocked, my baby had eyes.

  “It’s not developed. Looks healthy! Your diet must be healthy.”

“When can we find out what we’re having?” Jori said smiling. I wanted to punch him quite hard.

 “Around 17 weeks,”

“Casj,” was his response. I sighed deeply and kept watching.

“So tiny.” I cooed.

“Yes but healthy by the looks of it.” The nurse smiled. She gave me tips, and I shouldn’t be stressing, and worrying. She asked if my mum knew, but I was planning on telling her that evening. I was supposed to be expecting on 13th July. Let’s see if that actually happens. We got two copies of the scan, and I took both of them, I would give one to Jori’s mum, after telling her, and one for myself. After everything we left and immediately we got out into the waiting area Paulette jumped out and smiled leaping towards us, she hugged Jori tight and looked at him.

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