Jori 14

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2 months later.

"I gotta big ego! Such a huge ego Lalala!" I sang in P.E. Sir was tryna not sing along.

"Come on sir you know you wanna?" I smiled. He laughed and shook his head.

"Just take the free kick Jori., we're all waiting." I stuck my tongue out and took it, and Solomon ended up scoring, fucking spastic. :) .

I was at Ja'reece's yard jammin, because Lianne went to see her mum with the baby. So we trashed the house and did nothing.

"So what's going on with you these days?" He said sighing. We sat watching the Wedding channel.

"Nothing, my friends think I'm gay, then got the wrong idea when this girl gave me back my tie 'cos I left it at her place." I sighed.

"Yeah I know how you feel."


"I was called gay too you know!"

"So it's running in our family?"

"Pretty much, they all said it till I had Ryi."

"Oh my gosh!"

"I know, but did you fuck the girl?"

"No! She tried it though, I was...scared." I admitted.

"Yeah it's scary when you first you know, well... to me it was." I gasped.

"I wanna be a nun!" I said quickly.

"Ahh no, come on man, your a man! Man up Jori man, why you so feminine."

"I ain't." I looked at him bluntly.

"Then like chicks, and stop cussin people, and get a relationship."

"You actually think I can do that?" I laughed.

"Yeah.. I think." I looked at him and sighed.

"Look I'll even make a deal with you, might motivate you a bit."


"Get a chick before you 18 or on your 18th. I mean like err.. anything. Fuck, lips, nah your alright with that. A proper relationship! You know. I challenge you man." He said. I bit my lip.

"How much?

"You win, I'll give you err 50?" I shook my head.

"70?" He said. I shook my head.

"No 100, fuck you!"

"Oh no not even that. That." I looked at his hair. He looked up with his eyes and I saw an instant tear. Fucking hell.

"Right. This is what happens Jori. You win, I shave it off, I win you shave it and wear a bhindi." He laughed. I snorted.

"Deal." We shook hands. I'm gonna loose, I always loose! All the time, and also it's a chick! Where do you find one of those, okay!

"I ain't loosing my virginity, no!" I said crossing my arms.

"Do you wanna shave your hair?" He grinned.


"Well then."

"No but like it has to obviously mean something, you didn't have a parade in your room with Lianne because of a bet did you?" I kissed my teeth.

"No, but I bet with her before that I could get her pregnant first time, AND wearing a condom!" He smiled.

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted in his face, he brushed his hand on my face. I slouched in the chair and bite my nails.

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