Jori 30

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It was mid October and a Tuesday, we had to produce a final piece before half term, I was working with Wilma and Kylah, so I had to go in for extra work, I saw Wilma and Kylah walking to the bus stop, I caught up with them and we went together, Wilma was 18, Kylah was also 18. I felt so young, but they didn't treat me like I was young, in college no one cared, apart from if you were Ravi who was 27 and just in his first year at college, what was he doing all that time with his life, 10 years ago he was 17, doing what? I was only 7 and was in year 2.

We sat in the canteen and they were both talking about sex, it was a bit uncomfortable because I didn't know much about it, I only heard people talk about it, Neelam always used to talk about it, my mum talks about it, Becca talks about it, Annette, everyone talks about it, I just made weird faces when I thought what they were saying was disgusting.

"So what's your favourite thing?" Kylah looked at me and smiled, Wilma was staring too, I was speechless. I scratched my head.

"Erm..I'm a virgin." Wilma smacked her mouth.

"Serious?" She said shocked. I nodded slowly.

"I thought you have a man." Kylah said.

"Yeah but we haven't done that yet, we don't really care." I laughed.

"Lies!" Wilma said. "Jori init? Little rat!" She said. I laughed, and cleared my throat.

"We're getting there, slightly. Then we don't." I smiled.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!" Wilma shouted, I laughed, I found it all funny, why would Jori even do that, he's no freak! Well we both don't know that.

"I am ready to, but it's up to him, I don't mind." I honestly said.

"Have you told him?" Kylah said. I shrugged.

"No, I don't want us to have an argument, I like how things are. I think I just want us to wait abit."

"FOR WHAT!" They both shouted.

"It will be worth the wait, whenever the wait ends." I laughed.

"Okay I respect that, that's good." Wilma smiled and clapped, Kylah just shook her head.

"If your man ain't pleasing you I know a few people!" She said. I wanted to punch her, don't get me wrong she's nice and everything, but she can't tell me what I should do with MY boyfriend, and I don't cheat like her, I actually respect my relationship with Jori, and I like how he treats me. He doesn't force me to do anything and he calls me, sees me and takes me out always, she's known me for a few weeks, she should find God and stop cheating! I gave that eye contact I give people, and she looked away, rat. Wilma just laughed and we wrote down some reviews on our work. I went to the library after alone and sat down and did some functional skills, and read some books. My phone went off, I answered and quickly walked out.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yeah babes, I'm going out with Marley tonight, look after the house." I rolled my eyes.

"Mum why are you telling me?"

"I don't know actually, Marley why am I telling her?"

"Because it's the right thing to do, hiya Arachelle." I smiled.

"Hi Marley, mum you need to be a mum gosh."

"I am!I bought you that under wear yesterday!"

"Which I will NEVER wear, that's appalling."

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