Jori 26

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Summer was coming to an end and I had spent most of it with Jori, and he made it fun, even if it was just me and him. He had not change much, he didn't still touch me, and he wasn't keen on kissing in public, or hugging in busy places, I started getting used to it.

For some strange reason, we stopped sleeping round each others houses, like it was weird since we started going out. Our birthdays were coming up and well I never do anything for my birthday, I don't actually care, and I was going to be 16. Neelam came round and kept asking what I'd do.

"Nothing man!" I said.


"Can't be bothered." I said straightening my hair, I had auditions for musicals in West end on that day anyway, so didn't care.

"You boring old bitch!" I laughed.

"You only just turned 15, aww poor you!" I cooed, she screwed me and I laughed. We spent the day with my mum somehow, and she was talking about me starting a business at 16, what is wrong with her? Seriously.

I went to Jori's in the evening and his dad was there, he started talking about life, and how much it was gonna change when I got to his age. He told me to go upstairs to Jori's room, I knocked.

"WHAT!" I opened the door and he saw me and smiled.

"Hiya." He said.

"Hey." I sat on his floor and watched him find some clothes, I would bite him, he had a nice body, my gosh, he was making me horny, he had no idea.

"So what you been doing this week?"

"Umm nothing." I smiled, he put a top on and came and sat next to me on the floor and put the TV, we played XBOX and I really was horny today, not like a virgin can do much about that, but oh my gosh, I could even feel his body heat, I sighed, and watched his serious face, he licked his lips as he gripped onto the controller, that was organism right there.

"You okay b?" He said, then shot an enemy. I nodded and watched him closely, he grunted when he missed, I bit my lip and he looked at me, pausing the game.

"Okay what's wrong man?" He said confused.

"I-I'm errr... nothing don't worry." I can't tell him that, that's personal! I get horny at least 5 times a week when I'm with him, some days it's worse than others, I don't know why, and I've tried to control it, but I can't. I would ask my mum but do you know the lecture she would give me. I used to get horny before we got together, but it weren't like this, THIS IS SO MUCH WORSE! It's like milking a cow, and not getting enough to fill half the bucket, that's piss take so imagine how I feel, a virgin, constantly aroused because she's staring at her boyfriend, that is not normal!

"Oh... kay! Should we continue to play the game or?" He said confused. I nodded quickly. He started it and was so into it, I just allowed my self to be shot and bombed, I was in a trance.

"Oh Jori." I sighed. He looked at me again and was mad confused. Shit!

"What?" I shook my head.

"You called me."

"No, it's okay, it's the way you shot him." I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah man, play properly man."

"Man?" I screwed. He laughed.

"Baby please play properly." I smiled merrily and we played, I slyly looked at him, I got hotter and shot someone and he was getting happy and smiling. I wanted to drop off a mountain, the pleasure that would bring seriously. He's making me really horny, and he's not even doing anything, imagine if he was.

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