Chapter 2 : Lizzie Forbes

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My name is Lizzie Forbes and I am a witch, but beside that I'm a regular girl

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My name is Lizzie Forbes and I am a witch, but beside that I'm a regular girl. I just finished high school, I was captain of the cheer team, prom queen, and I have a boyfriend named Ryan. It seems like a nice life, but I wish for adventure.

My mom well kinda mom. (A witch put me in her stomach and she gave birth to me so yeah mom.) anyways my mom always told me stories of Mystic Falls and vampires, witches, and other weird creatures. It seemed so interesting and I am hungry for some adventure, but that's never gonna happen.

I dream of being Royal with balls and castles. I dream to have a million dresses and always be doing something. Regular life is just boring.

" Elizabeth come down here!" My mom yells. I walk out of my room to the kitchen.

"Yes?" I ask

"I told you to do these dishes already."

"Sorry mom." I go over to the sink and start.

"What are you going to do in college? I'm not gonna be there telling you to do the dishes."

"I'll have Jo." I winced towards Josie who was reading a book on the couch. She just gives me a thumbs up.

"Ok." Mom just starts laughing. Then I start laughing. We can't be mad at each other for long.

"I'm gonna go to bed. You two don't stay up to late."

"Ok good night mom." Me and Josie said together. We just laughed.

After I was done with the dishes I go back into my room. I get changed into comfy cloths and start the movie Beauty and The Beast. It's been my favorite movie since I was 3. Midway through the movie I get a text.

~text message~
Maddy: Hey Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey, what's up?

Maddy: u wanna spend the night tomorrow? Before we go 2 college.

Lizzie: Def! How much longer?

Maddy: 5 days from today!

Lizzie: OMG! Ah this year went by so fast!

Maddy: ikr! I'm gonna miss high school but still super exited about college!

Lizzie: yeah me 2! Ok I'll ttyl watching a movie.

Maddy: Luv u

Lizzie: u too <3
~End of text~

I finish the movie at about 10pm and wasn't really tired so I decided to go down stairs for something to eat. I grab some chips and a coke and head back to my room.

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