Chapter 4 : The meeting

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Lizzie's POV.
We walk into the room and we see a blonde girl sitting on the bed eating ravioli.

"This is amazing. Who invented this?" She mumbling to herself not noticing us walk in. My mom then clears her throat startling the girl.

"Sorry to scare you." My mom says.

The girl stood up. She has perfect posture. She had long blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. She looked like a princess.

"Hi." The girl said with the million dollar smile.

Hope's POV.
"Hey I'm Josie and this is Lizzie." Josie said.

"Nice to meet you." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Ditto!" Lizzie said. I just giggled.

They walk into the room and started unpacking and I quickly go wide eyed. They were witches. I could sense it and there mom was a vampire. Wow!

What are the odds...wait they probably know about my family. I can't tell them who I am. There be afraid of me like everyone else. That's why I can't tell them. It might be a little hard since I have a few photos around the room. Shit! I walk to the pictures and slowly put them in the top draw. Phew they didn't see.

"Hey Hope did your parents come with you?" Lizzie asked sitting on her bed.

"No, they didn't I flew here." I simply stated. It wasn't a big deal to me we flew lots of times.

"Omg really I've never been out of the country."

"Yeah I've been everywhere and I even lived in Paris with my Aunt for a while." I just sat there.

"That's amazing! Did you hear that mom?"

"That's interesting, where have you recently lived?" Josie's mom asked very interested.

"New York." I said. New York! New Orleans! What's the difference?

"I've always wanted to go there! How is it?" Lizzie asked sitting on my bed.

"Well it's very packed! I love in a house in the middle of town with most of my family."

"How much family do you have."

"A lot."

"Lizzie stop pestering the girl!" Her dad  said.

"It's fine." I said happy that I've made a friend. A normal friend. Of course I had to ruin it though.

"Do you mind if I keep my blood in the fridge? I hate having to get it from under my bed. " they looked at me jaw dropped.

"Your a vampire?" The mother asked.

"Yes and so are you."

"How did you know?"

"I could sense it. I could also scents that you too are witches."I pointed to Lizzie and Josie. Real smooth Hope!

"We don't mind." Josie said looking at me.

I go under my bed and grab the bottles and put them in the refrigerator. I come back to the room and their mom and dad were about to leave.

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