Chapter 12 : Family Game night

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Lizzie's POV.
I'm really getting used to being a vampire. Except I almost tore off this guy's head for bumping into Josie. That's actually pretty normal thought. Except the part that I could actually tear his head of.

We just arrived in New Orleans and its amazing. The beautiful music and atmosphere. The only thing I didn't like was all the vampires running around. I stayed protectively close to Josie even though I know no one will dare touch her. Ever since I turned my emotions were heighten. Aka my love for my sister.

We finally get to The Mikealson's house. Actually it's a mansion. It was huge and was sooo pretty.

"Wow." I stopped to admire the house.

"I think she likes it." My mom says laughing.

"It's so big." I said.

"You'll get used to it." She says walking behind The Mikealson's.

We walk in and it looked even more beautiful! There was a huge staircase that when you walked on it made you feel like a princess.

"Come on I'll show you your rooms!" Hope said running up the stairs. Me and Josie ran right behind her.

"Omg!" I said when I saw my room.

It was a light pink with white furniture. It had a big bed with a nightstand and a  desk. It was decorated with colorful flower throw pillows,a big mirror, and a cute little pink chair.

I started putting all my things up. My candles, pictures, and other things made the room look

I stared at my walk-in-closet.I put all my stuff in it and had space to put more things in it.

I finished in the restroom which I shared with Josie. Her room was a little different then mine.

Her room had was a blue color  and had white furniture. She had a white table with her laptop on it. She had a big white rug and a lot of different area to put her things. And right above her bed is a painting hanging above it. Lastly she had a big white bookshelf.

"How did we get so lucky?" I asked.

"I don't know she said throwing herself on her bed.

"You helped the right people." Hope said walking into the room.

Hope's POV.
"Do you like your rooms?" I ask.

"Uhh is that even a question?" Lizzie said making me laugh.

"Thanks Hope!" Josie said.

"I'm glad you like it now what do you want to do?" I ask.

"Let's play a board game!" Lizzie exclaimed.

Me and Josie just stared at her.

"Don't make me pull the whole I'm a new vampire card out!" Lizzie said.

"Fine I'll pick the board game!" I said walking out of the room.

I don't know if we have board games, but if we do Eli knows where they are. 

"Eli!" I holler.

"Yes Hope?" Eli asks.

"Do you know if we have any board games?" I ask.

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