Chapter 8 : The other side

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Hope's POV.
I sleep for the few hours I have. I'm awaken by the sound of a woman walking in. It's not Tristan.... Who is it?

"Who are you?" I ask.

"It's doesn't matter who I am." The woman  said.

"Fine you don't have to be a dick about it." I rolled my eyes.

That's when I felt a stake in my side. I held back my tears. I had to be strong. I can't show them my weakness.

"So Hope. How long have you been here?" The woman asked.

"About three days." I said.

"Well yes that is and get no came to rescue you."

"Well you see Tristan has a spell to hide me so they can't find me..... Oh but if they could they would have your heart in there hands."

"Oh little girl in such denial. They probably aren't even looking for you." She laughed.

"Well let me see I've know them my whole life and you don't so you see I think I know-

She sprayed me with vervain.

"Damn it." I yelled.

"Oh aren't so tough know I see?"

"Shut up! If I wasn't chimes right now I could take you and do my nails at the same time." I screamed and she sprayed more vervain on me." Coward." I say.

"Well you know little girl I might be a coward, but at least I'm not pure evil" she walked toward me.

She got real close to me. I head bump her and she gets back. In pain from the hit. Definitely a human. She sprayed me with more vervain.

"Who's the weak on now hiding behind little tools?"I spit out. She walks out of the room.

My aunt once said that my father could talk himself out of hell. I just hope I can do the same.

Josie's  POV
I'm on The-other-side as it is called. My aunt only build it up a few years ago, so there's not that many people.

It took me about an hour to wake up, but, after I walk around looking for someone who might know where Hope is. I see a few people. I walk over to them and I can tell there witches.

"Have anyone know where Hope Mikealson is?" I ask. They kinda jump at the name, but stay completely silent.

"I'm sorry Josie, but we have no knowledge of where your friend is." One of the witches said.

I walk around some more and I feel a rap on my shoulder. I turn around a see my my Uncle Kai.

"Stay away from me!" I yell. He stands there.

"Josie I've been-" he started.

"No no you killed my mother and almost killed me! I never want to talk to you!" I yelled walking away.

"Please just let me-"


"I know where Hope is." I turned around and looked at him.

"You do?"

"Yes like I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted. I looked after you and your sister since you were born, so I know where this so called Hope is."

"You do?"

"Yes and I will help you get to her."

"What do you want?" I demanded knowing there's always something someone wants.

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