Chapter 5 : First Day of college

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Josie's POV.
Books? Check! Bag? Check! Pens? Check! Notebook? Check! Ok good I have everything. Now time to get ready.

I put on gray pants,a low cut shirt, and black shoes. Then I straightened my hair and light makeup.

I walked out of the restroom to see Hope and Lizzie still asleep. There classes start at 11 while mine start at 9:30.

I headed out at 9:10 so I decided to get some coffee and head to class. My first class was law 2. I got there five minutes early and was looking for a seat when I saw a familiar face.

"Hey Jos." I hear Andrew said as I walk towards him.

"Hey Andrew, what's with calling me Jos? " I asked sitting next to him.

"Oh it's your nickname."

"Well I like it." Which I actually did.

"I was hoping." He gave me a cute smile. Agh his smile is soo.......

That's when the professor walks into the room.

"Hello class I'm professor Garcia. Welcome to Law 2. Now everyone started taking notes. I pull out my paper and pen and started writing.

He finished giving us notes and gave us an assignment due tomorrow. We could either finish it in class or take it home. Lot of people left to do it at home. I finished it in class with 15 minutes before my next class.

I start walking to a café for breakfast when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You walk fast!" Andrew said breathing heavily.

"I'm trying to get to the café before my next class." I said opening the door.

"What class do you have next?"


"Boring." He said making a weird face.

That's when the counter lady asked what we wanted.

"I'll take a umm....." I looked at the menus and saw a blueberry muffin that I had to get. "I'll get a blueberry muffin and black coffee." I added.

She got a muffin and put it in the bag. She gave me the my coffee and muffin.
Tip: you always need more coffee!

"That'll be five dollars." She said. I was about to get my money out when Andrew gave the women a five dollar bill.

"You didn't have to-

"Just say thank you and eat your muffin." He interrupted me.

"Thank you." I quickly took a bite of my muffin.He grinned a started walking the opposite direction as me.

"Bye Jos!" He screamed.

"Bye Andrew!" I said laughing at him.

The rest of the day was good. I made a few friends Amber,Maddison, James, and Selena. We're getting food after school at house of burgers which is really close to the school. I better go get ready.

Hopes POV.
I woke up twenty minutes before the alarm so I took this time to stretch out a little. I then jump in the shower. I take a fast five minute shower.

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