Chapter 24 : Alaric

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Alaric's POV.
I felt my head turn dizzy. I have been in a grey vision all day. I don't know who I'm with or where I am, but I hope I get away soon.

Caroline's POV.
I see Jacks car. He wouldn't leave it too close to Alaric, but he can't be too far. I will find Alaric.

Klaus's POV.
We look around, but find nothing. The wind blows and I catch a sent that Caroline doesn't.

"I think I-" I started.

"Where?" Caroline asked.

I point towards a flow of trees. She quickly nods and we start towards the path.

Alaric's POV.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch at the touch. This evil thing hasn't done anything to me yet, but I don't want to take my chances.

Caroline's POV.
We find Alaric laying on the ground. I reach out to see if he was ok. He flinched at my touch. What has Jack done to him?

Klaus's POV.
I suddenly see Caroline on the ground. I was farther on the track keeping watch. I had to stop myself from going to her. I whooshed over to Jack and covered his mouth. He started struggling and trying to chant, but eventually passed out.

Alaric's POV.
I heard screaming. It sounded like-like Caroline. I tried getting up, but I couldn't get up. The screaming stopped and I feared the worst. 

Suddenly someone pulled their arms around me.

"Alaric." A female whispered.

Caroline's POV.
"Caroline." Alaric whispered.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I can't see very well and I can't get up." Alaric said.

I looked over to Klaus.

"Can you?" I asked.

Klaus's POV.
I walked over to Alaric and swung him over my shoulders.

"Caroline?" Alaric asked.

I chuckled and replied,

"Wrong person mate."

"Klaus?" He asked.

"Yes. We are here to save you." I replied.

Alaric' s POV.
I can't help, but laugh.

Klaus Mikealson the big bad hybrid is saving me.

"What's the matter?" Klaus asked.

"You. Klaus Mikealson. Saving me." I said.

"You know Alaric you are actually a good guy." Klaus says.

"So it seems you are too."

"We can relate more than you think."


" we both care about our families more than anything. Especially those daughters of ours."

"Ah how stressful and loving those girls are there."

Caroline's POV.
I drag Jack by his feet letting his head hit the ground- not enough to hurt. Just enough to have a killer headache.

I hear Alaric and Klaus talking. They are so sweet. My two main guys talking.

I do very much still care about Alaric even if we are not married. We did raise two beautiful, sweet, and independent girls. That just doesn't go away.

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