Chapter 29: Back to school

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Josie's POV.
I am awaken by Lizzie hitting me in her sleep. I check the time, six-eleven. Groaning, I get up. I won't be able to go back to sleep anyways.

The first thing I do is make a pot of hot coffee. Since I'm losing two hours of sleep, I'm gonna need all the coffee I can get.

I sit on my desk and pick up a piece of paper and pen. Since I have nothing to do, I decide to write to my mother. She had asked me to do so before I left.

Dear mom,
The first two days back were good. We finished unpacking our things pretty quickly and even went to a party. (Don't worry we didn't do drugs or anything.) I, Lizzie, and Hope hung out together. I'm not sure how Lizzie was, but she didn't kill anyone!
Anyways, I love you mom. Tell dad I said I love him too and to stay out of trouble.
-Yours, Josie

I crumbled up the paper and used the my magic to send it to my mother.

I put my pen down and noticed my copy of 'Poèmes de romance français'. I haven't been able to read it since we left. What better time then right now.

I grab the book and flip to the chapter I was on, Amour Interdit.

Vous étiez l'océan avec des yeux bleu pâle et de nombreux secrets.

J'étais une terre, ma peau brun foncé et effrayé.

En quelque sorte, nous devions être. Je suis tombé amoureux de la lueur que je manquais. Vous êtes tombé amoureux de ma nature.

Ce n'était pas un amour parfait. C'était un amour qui n'aurait jamais été. Nous vivons des vies si différentes avec des attentes très différentes.

Mais nous ne nous souciais pas. Nous nous sommes rencontrés tous les soirs. J'étais toujours là. Jusqu'à ce que je ne puisse pas. Jusqu'à ce que le secret ne suffisait pas.

Peut-être dans une autre vie. Peut-être que le sort nous permettra de rencontrer sans limites. Dans le bon moment et le lieu.

Pour l'instant, tout ce que nous sommes est un amour interdit

My sister always loved thought of a forbidden love, but me on the other hand didn't know. It was beautiful and exciting, but so sad.

Hope's POV.
"Bye, Josie!" I waved goodbye to my friend.

"Have a nice day!" Lizzie yelled from the closet.

Right when she left, I ran over to Lizzie.

"We have to talk about what happen yesterday." I told Lizzie.

"I'm fine. I accidentally fed on someone. It's not really a big deal." Lizzie replied, grabbing a pair of short boots.

"It is a big deal you could have killed her!"

"But I didn't!"

"Because I was there."

"I won't get in that situation again."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm not a danger magnet like you." Lizzie remarked, heading out of the closet.

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