Chapter 6 : Hope is Gone

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Lizzie's POV.
I get home and see Josie getting ready.

"Hey where are you going?" I ask.

"Oh I'm going out with some friends." Josie said. I smile at that. I'm glad my sister made some friends today.

"Is one of them...." I jump on her bed and look at her with a smirk. "Andrew" I added.

"Maybe." She was blushing.

"OMG you like him. Yes! Yes!" I jump of her bed and march around the room screaming "Josie and Andrew!"

"Shut up Liz!"

"Fine!" I say slumping on the bed.

"You have anything planned today?"

"I'm gonna hang out with Aunt Bonnie." I look around the room. "Hey where's Hope?" I said.

"I don't know probably hanging out with someone."

"Okay I'll call her later."

I finished getting ready and left to see Aunt Bonnie. When I arrived I saw her talking to Vivian.

"Hey Aunt Bonnie and Vivian." I said hugging Aunt Bonnie.

"You know Vivian?" Aunt Bonnie asked.

"Yeah we met briefly."

"Well it's nice to see you again." Vivian said.

"Yeah you too, so why are you here?" I ask. Not trying to be rude I just haven't seen Bonnie in a long time and I miss her.

"I actually was just leaving thanks Bonnie for the help." Vivian says walking out of the classroom.

"Hey Lizzie what's up?" Aunt Bonnie asks.

"I just wanted to hang out with my favorite aunt." I said sitting down.

"You wanna practice?" She picks up a candle and sat next to me.

"Yeah!" I say.

We do a few spells and grab food and I head home.

Josie's POV.
I get home and Lizzie's freaking out.

"I called her three times and she didn't answer and I did a locator spell, but it didn't work." Lizzie yelled.

"Try calling Aunt Bonnie."

{10 minutes later}

"Hey I'm here what's the emergency?" Aunt Bonnie said.

"We are looking for someone, but our locator spell didn't work." I said.

"Yeah I'll try just give me something of hers." After trying it two times it didn't work. "There's a very powerful witch blocking the signal. You should probably call your mom."

{phone conversation }

Josie: mom!

Mom: what's wrong honey?

Josie: we can't find Hope and We tried a locator spell, but Aunt Bonnie said that a very powerful witch was blocking the signal.

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