Chapter 15 : Girls night

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Lizzie's POV.
Mom has been acting really depressed all lunch, so I decided we should all do something fun tonight.

We finished lunch and I called Hope and Josie to my room.

"We need to have a girls night tonight." I said demanding.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Hope said giggling and jumping up and down with Josie.

"Ok but we have to invite mom, Hayley, and Rebekah." I said.

"Ok I can ask my mom and Rebekah you guys ask your mom." Hope said.

"Ok we'll meet here at six?" I asked.

"Yeah." Hope said getting off the bed.

6:00 pm

All the girls walk into Lizzie's room in pajamas.

"You guys are here!" I exclaimed.

The girls laughed and all sat on my bed.

"I'm gonna go order the food and get everything ready." I said walking out of the room.

I walk to the kitchen and see Kol, Elijah, and Klaus.

"Hey Elijah us girls will not be at dinner." I said getting snacks out of the pantry.

"May I ask why?" Elijah asked.

"Oh we're having a girls night." I said picking up my phone calling for pizza.

~Phone conversation~
Pizza guy: Hello this is Jimmy. What would you like?

Lizzie: Can I have a three pepperoni pizzas?

Pizza guy: What size would you like

Lizzie: Medium

Pizza guy: Ok we'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes

Lizzie: Ok thank you
~End of phone conversation~

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I try grabbing all the food, but utterly failing.

"Do you need any help?"Klaus asked chuckling.

"Yes! I defining do!" I said.

Klaus walked over to me and grabbed most of the bags. Then started upstairs. I quickly started behind him.

"Hey no boys aloud!" Rebekah yelled when Klaus walked into my room.

"Calm down sister. I'm simply bringing up your food." Klaus said dropping the food on the bed.

"Fine." Rebekah huffed.

"Thanks dad!" Hope said grabbing a bag of chips.

"Your welcome honey." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek." Be good." He added putting his hand to his ear.

Klaus looked over at my mom and they just looked at each other for a minute before he left. No one seem to notice except me. Everyone else was more focused on the food. What happened mom?

"Turn on some music!" Rebekah yelled.

I went over to my radio and plugged in my phone. Then pressed play. Everyone started dancing and eating it.

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