Chapter 28: Feeding

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Hope's POV.
"Where the hell is the bathroom?" I mutter to myself.

Maybe I was drunk or this was a confusing house.

I gave up and flopped on the couch. That's when I smelt it. The faint smell of blood.

I look around and can't find Lizzie.

I run as fast as I can to find Lizzie without causing a scene.

When I get there the door is locked. I decide against just pushing the door happen.

"Lizzie!" I yell.

"I can't control it...." Lizzie says.

I hear a loud bang.

"Lizzie! What's going on?" I yell louder.

Silents fell.

"Lizzie!" I yell banging on the door.

"Stop! What are you doing?" I heard a girl yell.

That's it. I use my vampire strength to push the door open.

There I see Lizzie feeding on a poor girl.

Josie's POV.
My mind blanks and I suddenly forget how to speak.

All I can think about is his lips so close to mine. His breath hot and slowly paced. His eyes glimmering in the dark night.

I'm not used to this kind of attention. This is Lizzie's thing. She was popular and had all the guys attention. I had a couple boyfriends, but I wasn't the main focus of their attention. I didn't have this feeling in my chest when they looked at me.

"I-I." I stumble.

My usual confident self is speechless.

"What's the answer?" He asks again slowly moving back.

I didn't want him to move away, so I moved closer. I took a risk and closed the distance between us.

My lips softly touched his. He immediately kissed me back. The kiss was soft yet it was probably the best kiss I've had.

"So I'm assuming that means you like me too." Andrew grins.

"Yeah." I nods smiling.

"I wasn't sure when you didn't say anything."

"But wasn't that much better."

"Oh definitely."

Lizzie's POV.
Hope pushed me off the girl. I hit the wall hard, but the pain didn't get to me. I was to focused on what I had just done.

I fed on someone.

My breathing got harder and I felt like I couldn't breath.

I'm a monster! How could I do that? I could have killed her! What would Mom think when she saw this? What would Josie think? I don't deserve to be here. I should have died. I can hurt someone. I can't control this. I can't control this. I'm a horrible person.

I felt tears running down my face. I tried leaving the room, but was pushed back by Hope.

She had finished healing and compelling the girl.

"Lizzie it's ok." Hope said walking towards me.

"No it's not!" I screamed.

The tears flowed down my face faster.

"It's ok. We all make mistakes." Hope tried again.

"I couldn't control it." I said banging my head on the wall.

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