Chapter 20 : Spell

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Josie's POV.
"Come on." I yelled at Molly and Jack.

They slowly got in the back of the car. Davina got into the drivers seat and I sat next to her.

"We will be there in two hours." Davina said.

I nodded and lean back in my chair. My eye lids fell close and the last thing I saw was black.

"Josie we are here." I heard Davina say.

I slowly got up and looked outside to see the Mikealson mansion.

"Let's get going." I said.

Everyone got out of the car and headed to the front door. I knocked and Hope answered the door.

"Oh my god your back!" She yelled pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too." She replied smiling.

We walked through the door and was greeted by Klaus, Rebekah, Aunt Bonnie, and Lizzie.

"Hey." Lizzie said.

I ran to her and gave her a hug. I broke it and she smiled meaning it was ok.

"Who's the guest?" Klaus asked.

I looked over at Molly and jack. They looked nervous and scared.

"They are here to help us get my mother and Elijah put." I said.

I saw relief flood onto Klaus's face. I smiled to myself.

"Now I'm going to teach you the spell." Davina said to Molly and jack.

"Ok." Molly mumbled.

Molly, Davina, and Jack walked out of the room. I looked around at everyone in the room.

"Josie..." Aunt Bonnie started.

"I know! I'm sorry I just needed to do something." I said/yelled.

"It's ok Josie." Aunt Bonnie said running my shoulders.

I placed my head on her shoulder.

"I just need her back." I whispered.

"How about we go upstairs?" Bonnie asked me.

I nodded and she lead me upstairs. She placed me on the bed and for the second time today sleep overtook me.

Elijah's POV.
I wake up to the bright light hitting my eyes. I move away the sun blinding my eyes.

"Your awake!" Caroline screamed jumping onto the mattress.

"Your in a good mood." I commented sitting up.

"Yes well my Josie is back and ok." Caroline said.

"Did she get a witch?" I asked.

"Yes she did. Two to be exact. "

"Well that's something."

"Let's go for a walk."

Caroline helped me up. I leaned against her and we started walking. We came into a little diner. She helped me sit down. A waitress came over.

"What would you two like?" She asked.

"Um two coffees." Caroline said.

I nodded and the waitress left.

"You'll be feeling better in no time." Caroline said looking at my clearly in pain face.

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