Chapter 18 : Getting Caroline out

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Bonnie's POV.
I grab candles and put them in a circle. I add herbs in between all the candles then I go to the center of the circle.

"I'll need everyone to stand a few feet away from the barrier or it could end up sucking you in." I said.

Everyone backed up.

"Caroline I need you to stand as close as you can to the barrier." I said.

She walked up to the barrier till she was stopped.

I grab a bowl and add water, crystals, and my blood. Then I threw it at the barrier. It hits the barrier and it lights up.

I start chanting. I feel my nose start to bleed, but I keep going. I finish chanting then add salt to all of the candles.

I start chanting again. This is the hard part of the spell. I can feel my nose bleeding even more and more. My head is aching and I can't breath, but I keep going. Pain starts in my head I feel dizzy. I am barely whispering the chants.

I feel hands on my shoulders telling me to stop, but I can't stop. I throw that person off of me and continue chanting until I pass out or die. I don't know yet.

Elijah's POV.
"Bonnie you have to stop." I said holding her shoulders.

If she doesn't stop she'll die and that will get us nowhere.

All of sudden I'm flying through the air and on the other side of the barrier. I look up and see concerned Caroline.

I look over at Bonnie and she's on the ground. Niklaus looked as if he was about to make his way across the barrier when I ran in front of him.

"Niklaus look over there." I said pointing to the crying Lizzie and Josie. "Are you really gonna leave them alone without there mother and there aunt possible dead?" I asked.

Niklaus slowly stepped back and ran towards the girls.

I walk back to Caroline. My leg in such a pain I haven't felt in one thousand years.

"Elijah are you ok?" Caroline asked.

"I just need to sit down." I said falling to the ground.

Caroline ran over to me and picked me up.

"Elijah there's an old house over here we can stay there for now." Caroline said holding me up.

"Thank you for your kindness Caroline." I said.

"I'm only do what you would do the same for me." Caroline said then looked over at everyone else. "Please don't cross the border anyone. Me and Elijah are going to an abandoned house not far from here. I have his phone so call me if you want to get I touch with us. I love you guys." Caroline said and then started walking.

We walked to this abandoned house. Caroline put me on one of the beds.

"May I?" Caroline asked pointing to my leg.

I nodded and she pulled my pants up. It reviled a giant purple bruise. She ran out of the room and came back with a jar full of white looking lotion.

"I found this in the bathroom. I think it might help." Caroline said.

She took some of the lotion stuff and started smoothing it on my leg. It hurt but felt good at the same time. She finished and put it on a dusty dresser.

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