Chapter 17 : Where is Caroline?

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Klaus's POV.
It's been almost an hour where is Caroline and Stefan?

That's when Stefan Whooshed in.Without Caroline.

"Where's Caroline?" I asked Stefan.

"She said she'll be here in a few minutes." Stefan said slumping on the coach.

I had this feeling that Caroline was in trouble. It's probably me. I mean safe was just with Stefan. What could have gone wrong in a few minutes?

Stefan looked over me with a serious expression in his face.

"Don't hurt her." Stefan said.

"Trust me that's the last thing I want to do." I said honestly.

Stefan nodded his head and went back to staring blankly ahead.

" Don't hurt my sister. Trust me you'll have more than me to deal with." I said.

"I won't." Stefan replied.

Elijah and Kol walked into the room.

"Stefan's here something interesting must have happen." Kol said throwing himself on the couch.

"Kol can't you stay out of things that do not effect you." Elijah said.

"Well it does effect me if I have to clean up Stefan's dead body because Caroline said she's still in love with him." Kol said.

My mouth opens and I was about to snap at him when Stefan spoke first.

"That won't happen." Stefan stated.

I calmed myself down. Caroline as going to be ok. It's simply my imagination.

-2 hours later-
"We're home! What's wrong?"Hayley yelled to me.

"Come in here!" I yelled back.

Me, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Stefan were all in the living room with a map of New Orleans.

"What's going on?" Hope asked.

"Caroline is missing." Rebekah said.

"Mom!" Lizzie said.

"We will find your mother. You have my word." Elijah said.

Anytime Elijah makes a promise no matter what he keeps it. That comforted me a little knowing he'll help me do whatever is necessary to find her.

"No we have a plan everyone has an area to cover. Look in the selected area and when you finish meet here." I said and we all ran out to Nee Orleans looking for Caroline.

Josie's POV.
I sit down in the living room of the Mikealson's mansion and start a locator spell. I try fifteen times. I keep getting blocked. It's not a witch I would be able to feel it. What else can be blocking my magic?

Hope's POV.
"Caroline!" I yell.

No answer. I walked around my area at least fifteen times and nothing. Where is Caroline? I need to find her. That's the least I can do. I mean she helped find me so I'm more then determined to find her.

Lizzie's POV.
I will rip anyone's head off if they had anything to do with my mother disappearing. I will kill them myself if I have to. All I have to do to find her.

Stefan's POV.
This is my fault. I should have waited for Caroline or made her go with me. I can't live with myself if we don't find her. We just seen each other again in twenty years. I can't loose my best friend agin.

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