Chapter 10 : Transition

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Lizzie's POV.
I'm sitting in the tub thinking about everything. I wasn't scared of becoming a vampire. I was scared of what I might do to someone. I could never hurt someone.

"Lizzie are you ready?" Mom asked.

"Yeah mom." I said getting up.

We walked in the living room. The original were on Hope's bed and some new faces I suppose one was her mom and the other two friends. Josie and my dad were sitting on my bed. Bonnie was in the fridge bringing a blood bag.

I walked in slowly all the people in the room were giving me crazy headaches. Me and my mom sat on a chair. Bonnie slowly brought over the blood bag and gave it too me.

"Thank you." I whispered.Bonnie just nodded and sat next to my sister.

I looked at the blood bag. My whole body was telling to drink it fast. I opened it up and drank it in the matter of ten seconds. I was a vampire now.

My mother put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile.Of course my mom would want me to be with her forever, but not like this. My mom gets up. I just stay sitting there thinking. I was thinking about blood. I wanted blood.

I look at Hope as she runs over to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry Lizzie." She whispered.

"It's not your fault." I said.

"You guys did so much for me and lied to you the whole time."

"We're just glad your back Hope."

We brake our hug and my mom brings me another blood bag. Again I drink it in less than thirty seconds. I look over at my sister. She's watching me closely. Obviously wondering what to do. She then comes and sits next to me. I scoot away, but she just scoots closer.

"Jos I can hurt you." I whispered.

"Well first of all don't underestimate me and second of all you would never." She said and hugged me.

I spelt the blood and heard her heart beat. I wanted to take a bite, but I couldn't. I can't do that to my sister. I love her to much to do that.

She pulled away and smiled. I knew I was strong enough to do this. I ran over to my dad and hugged him. He fell back on the bed me on top of him.

"Hey dad!" I said giggling.

"Hey Lizzie." He said kinda sad.

I get it all his life he's had pain and suffering. He had lost so many people and gone through so much.

"Dad I will never leave you I promise." I said staring into his eyes.

"I know baby." He said hugging me again.

Hope's POV.
I sit down on my bed and watch Lizzie and her dad laughing and smiling. It made me so happy. I feel so bad about what everyone has to go through, but I'm so happy to be with my family. I look around and see them. They are all looking at me.

My dad and mom were sitting right beside me on both sides. Eli and Rebekah were right behind them smiling at me and talking. Kol and Marcel were standing beside the bed. Davina was sitting in front of the bed holding my hand.

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