Chapter 9 : Save Hope

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Caroline's POV.
"I know where Hope is." I heard Josie say then pass out.

I ran to her side everyone one jolting up. I sat on her bed next to Alaric and Lizzie. I was smiling a brushing my hand through Josie's hair.

"She just needs some sleep and she'll be ok." Bonnie said.

"Ok then we should probably give her some space and quite." I say backing up.

Everyone moved away except Lizzie. She got on the bed and laid down next to her sister with a single tear down her eye. I just let her lay there. She needs it.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a few blood bags. I give them to everyone. When I gave Klaus his he stood up.

"Can we take a walk?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah sure." I said.

We walked outside and after a few minutes he started talking.

"Thank you Caroline for helping me."
Klaus said.

"It's no big deal really."

"No Caroline. You put your life in danger for me and my family. It is definitely a big deal." He said stopping.

"Klaus.... I know how I would feel if someone took one of my girls. It's horrible. I mean what kind of person would I be if i didn't help?"

"Even for me?"

"Especially for you Klaus." We were looking each other face to face. In an intense stare.

"Mom!? I heard Lizzie say. I turned around and saw Lizzie standing there.

"Yes honey." I asked walking over to her.

"Josie told us where Hope is before passing out again."

"Where Lizzie?"

"In the princess painting."


"Just come back Bonnie will explain."

We ran back to the dorm. Bonnie was standing in front of Vivian chanting.

"What's going on?" Klaus yelled. I grabbed his arm and we walked to Bonnie. She stopped chanting.

"Can you explain?" I asked.

"Hope is in a room behind the painting. A person spelled it to keep it shut. To open it you need the blood of the person who spelt it. She is the one who spelt it. And we need to keep her alive if not the people inside will be trapped forever" Bonnie finished.

I felt Klaus tense up looking as though he's about to tear her apart. I held his hand and whispered in his ear

"Not yet."

He calmed down.

"So we need her blood?" I asked.

"Yes I'll get some." Bonnie said

She poked her with a needle. Blood started dripping out into a bowl. There was about a pint before she stopped.

"I'm done." Bonnie said.

"Ok we should wait till Josie wakes up. We need the most power we can get." Rebekah pointed out.

I got tense. I just can't help, but worry about my girls. I don't want anything to happen to them. I know Bonnie will protect them.

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