Chapter 7 : Magic

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Klaus's POV.
I didn't even have time to freak out about seeing Caroline again. I needed to find my daughter. Caroline set everyone up and we got started.

Me,Elijah,and Kol were searching around the school grounds while Bonnie, Caroline, and her kids try to locate her. Rebekah is getting in contact with Hayley and Marcel back in New Orleans.

"We didn't find anything." I said walking into my daughters dorm. I saw Caroline watching the girls and Bonnie using magic.

"Shit." I hear the brunette say.

"It's ok honey." Caroline says hugging her daughter, but she just gets up.

"I need some air. I'll try doing some spells outside." The brunette said.

Elijah walked back inside from a phone call.

"I heard a certain powerful witch just got there powers back" Elijah said looking at me.

"Who?" I ask ready to rip them apart.

"Tristan." He almost whispered.

That's when a tear came down my face. He was the strongest witch we've gone against. He had so much power and it was only growing by the minute. How could I let Hope leave? This is my fault.

I just stood there for a minute then walked out of the room everyone staring at me. I bump into the brunette girl.

"What's wrong?" She asks generally. She's just like her mother caring about people she barely met.

"It's nothing you should probably get inside there's a powerful witch loose." I said and started to walk away.

"We will get her back." Is all she said before running back to the house.

I don't know if we'll get Hope back. I'll try my hardest. I won't give up until I can hold my daughter again and hold Tristan's heart in my hand.

Bonnie's POV.
"I'll call Vivian and see if she can help" I said.

"Who's Vivian?" Ask Caroline.

"Another witch here." Lizzie said.

{phone conversation}
Bonnie: hey we need your help.

Vivian: ok where are you

Bonnie: dorm B number thirst six

Vivian: ok I'll be there
{End of phone conversation}

"Ok when she gets here we have to form a circle of the four witches." I said."and gather some candles please and something very close to her." I added.

I saw Rebekah and Kol getting plants, Caroline and Alaric talking to the girls, and Elijah and Klaus going through Hopes things. Tears streaming down there faces even though they try, so hard not to.

Klaus walks over to me and gives me a stuffed bunny rabbit.

"She's had this since she was born. Is it good enough?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes it is." I said.

"Thank you." He said walking to Elijah.

Wow Klaus Mikealson said thank you to me. He tried killing me, my friends, and my family. I've helped him so much before, but this is the first time he's ever been nice to me. Maybe Klaus has changed.

Caroline's POV.
The originals have been quite beside Rebekah yelling at me every two seconds.

"Why isn't it working?" Rebekah yelled.

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