Chapter 3 : Josie Forbes

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I'm Josie Forbes

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I'm Josie Forbes. I'm the "brains" of the family as my sister likes to call me. It's true I was highest in my classes and was student council president. People say I'm nice, smart, and pretty. I mean I'm a dog compared to my sister, but I take what I can get.

I don't really care for boys. They just get in my way of getting what I want.

I enjoying reading for many reasons. It helps you escape from the real world and dream of something bigger than yourself. It lets you escape reality for a few minutes. That's what I was doing when I was suppose to be getting ready.

I ran into my closet and threw on a yellow dress and some black heels. I ran to my restroom and put blush,mascara, and red lipstick on.

I ran to the living room to see my family already there.

"Sorry it took so long!"

"It's ok Josie now let's get going." My mom says.

"You look pretty Liz." I said staring at my sister.

"Thanks Jo you look gorgeous." She said. I just rolled my eyes.

{15 minutes later}

We arrived at the restaurant. It was an expensive Italian place that I love. I order Alfredo pasta and a salad. I look around and see all the beautiful designs on the walls. It honestly was an amazing building.

"A penny for you're thoughts?" My dad asked. He was always saying weird things like that.

"Oh it's just such a beautiful building."

"You got your mothers love for art. Right Caroline?"

"Yes." She said looking at the building.

That's when a waiter came and gave us our drinks. I ordered a pink lemonade.

"Liz your gonna ruin you're teeth always drinking coke." I exclaimed to my sister.

"But coke is so........good." She giggles after.

"A lot of things are good. You just have to try them! That's what we're gonna do at college."

"Wait hold on! Aren't you going there to learn." My dad said.

"Calm down dad." He's so funny. He's thinking scandals things, but honestly that's the last thing that's gonna happen.

A few minutes later your food gets here. We eat in silence for a few minutes until my mom tries to make a conversation.

"So Josie figured out what your gonna major in yet? Mom asked.

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