Chapter 13 : What Happen?

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No One's POV.
Hope, Josie, and Lizzie walk into the living room looking for there parents. They all stared wide eyed at the sight they see ahead of them.

Elijah shirtless, Rebekah and Hayley laying on the couch with drawn on mustaches, Kol gone, and Caroline and Klaus laying down behind the coach. Caroline was leaning her head against Klaus surrounded by three glasses of alcohol.

"What the hell did we just walk into?" Hope said.

"I don't know." Josie replied.

Hope grabbed her phone and connected it to the tvd speakers. She blasted a pop song waking everyone up.

They all held there ears and Hope turned off the speaker.

"What did you do to Eli!?" Hope yelled.

Elijah looked confused at himself and stood up. Looking at everyone.

"About that." Rebekah started.

"I've never seen Elijah without a shirt." Caroline said looking at a sleeping Elijah.

"It is a rare sight to see." Klaus said drunkly.

"Oh if your so eager to see than come help me." Rebekah said walking over to Elijah.

Caroline walked over to Elijah and lifted him up.

"Nik would you mind helping your poor sister out?"

"I rather not." Klaus said.

"Fine." Rebekah huffed and looked at Hayley.

"Well I mean if I must." Hayley said walking to Rebekah and helping her.

The three girls got his tie,jacket, and button up shirt.

"Interesting." Caroline said nodding.

"Well I rather not try to take his pants off so we're done." Rebekah said.

~End of Flashback~

All the girls in the room except Rebekah and Hope we're staring at Elijah's abs.

Hope smacked Lizzie and Josie making them turn at her with a nervous smile. Rebekah glared at Hayley making her stop. While Klaus grabbed Caroline's hand.

"Come on love. Let's get you to bed." Klaus said leading her to the stairs. Caroline nodded and walked upstairs.

We all stayed silents for a moment. When Elijah cleared his throat.

"If your excuse I am going to put some more clothes on. When I get back I will prepare breakfast.

Elijah walked upstairs leaving the four girls behind. That's when Kol walked in wearing nothing.

The girls turned around and yelled.

"Kol what the bloody hell! Why are you butt naked!" Rebekah yelled.

"We have guests Kol!" Hope yelled at Kol.

"Well than all means enjoy the view." Kol said smirking.

"Ew! Kol! Leave!" Rebekah yelled.

Kol walked upstairs into his room closing the door.

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