Chapter 21 : Plan

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Caroline's POV.
I felt my head on a soft pillow. I smile and dig my head into the pillow farther.

"Good morning love." I heard Klaus say.

"Good morning." I mumble.

I sit up and stretch out a little bit. I can feel Klaus watching me. He walks over to the bed at sits next to me.

"How are you feeling?" Klaus asked.

"Better know." I said kissing his cheek slowly. "Let's go downstairs." I said flipping off the bed.

Me and klaus walked downstairs. I was greeted by Elijah,Kol,Stefan, Hayley and Rebekah.

"Care!" Stefan yelled hugging me.

"Hi Stefan." I said.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

I pulled away and gave him a weak smile.

"It's not your fault." I say honestly.

Rebekah  and Hayley walked over to me and surprisingly gave me a hug.

"I'm glad your back." Rebekah said.

"I am too." I reply.

"Ugh I missed you." Hayley said then added " Klaus has been getting on my nerves."

We all three laugh knowing perfectly well everyone could hear.

I smile at the people who tried to save me. I'm not used to feeling so......loved.

"Where's everyone?" I ask sitting down next to Rebekah.

"There still resting." Bonnie said walking into the kitchen.

"There'll be alright?" I asked.

"There's be fine. There just tired." Bonnie assured me.

"Ok good." I sighed.

"Here drink this." Klaus said handing me a blood bag.

"Thanks." I mumbled drinking the bag dry.

I just remember about Elijah's leg.

"Elijah how's your leg?" I asked.

"It's all healed up no need to worry." Elijah said happily.

"What were you doing over by the town when I left we were not even close to that area?" Stefan asked me.

I thought for a moment. What happened.....wait!

"Someone hit me on the head and I blacked out until I woke up there." I said blankly.

"Did you see you it was?" Bonnie asked.

I shook my head. Everyone became quiet. Klaus stormed out of the room. I got up and followed behind him. He made his way to his room.

"Klaus?" I asked opening the door.

"Caroline you should just leave." Klaus said darting his eyes at me.

"Why?" I ask slowly walking towards him.

"It would be better for you." He stated.

"That's not true."

"Your life as come undone since I came back into your life. You deserve better."

"No Klaus I do deserve this."

Klaus looked  surprised and confused.

"I deserve to be with people who would do anything for me and I would do the same. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to wake up everyday knowing you'll be there. I deserve to be with you Klaus, because you make me happy! Even if we always have something going on even if we fight I know I'll always have you and you'll always have me. I deserve to be with someone I love." I said standing right in front of him.

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