Chapter 16 : Stefan

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Caroline's POV.
I wake up to the warm sun on my face and arms around me. I turn around and see Klaus sleeping quietly like an angel. His breath steady and for once looking calm. I push my hand through the his curly dirty blonde hair. He shifts and his eyes flutter open.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"No need to be. This is the best way to wake up." Klaus said.

I felt a hot burning in my cheeks so I moved my face into his chest to hide it.

"We should get up." I said.

"Or we could not." He said.

"Or we could." I said sitting up.

"Fine." He whined getting up off the bed.

I followed behind him as he headed out of the room and down the stairs. We walked to the kitchen and both got coffee and a cup of blood.

"That's where you are." Rebekah said walking into the kitchen.

"Yes I'm here." I said sitting down on the table and Rebekah doing the same.

"The girls are still asleep." Hayley said walking into the kitchen.

"Ok." I replied.

Klaus walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder leaning on me for support.

"Would you like to do anything today?" Klaus asked me.

Before I could reply I heard gasps and yelps coming from Hayley and Rebekah.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.

"That." Rebekah said pointing at us.

"Shut up Rebekah." Klaus said.

"I'm happy about it." Rebekah said and Hayley nodded her head.

"Really?" I ask.

"Maybe if your here he won't be so grumpy all the time." Hayley said towards klaus.

Klaus rolled his eyes and me and Hayley laughed.

"Ok but don't tell the kids. "Ok?" I said.

It's not like I didn't think we were going to work, but I just didn't want to tell to many people yet. I wanted to tell everyone after a few months to make sure everything is going smooth.

"Ok." Rebekah and Hayley said at the same time.

I heard steps on the stairs and pushed Klaus back. Just then the three girls walked in.

"Good morning." Josie said sitting next to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning baby." I said.

Everyone sat down and ate breakfast not talking about me and Klaus.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone was knocking at the door. Klaus got up to go get the door.

"Rebekah!" He yelled.

Rebekah walked over to the door and i could hear her say hello happily to someone then a break of silents accrued. I got up to see what was going on when Hayley put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go show the kids around." She said then left with the kids in the back door.


I walk to the front door and see the man I haven't seen in so long. My old best friend and boyfriend. The man I thought I was going to marry. The man I was in love with.

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