Girl Stuff

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After I ended my friendship with Jackie, I had no girlfriends. All of my friends were boys. But I really needed to tell someone about Aaron.

 I went out with Aaron the next morning which was super awkward. We were walking around the city together in silence for a while until Aaron spoke.

"Was it true?" 

"Aaron I told you before I don't like you that was just a joke."

"I know that. I mean the part where you said you haven't kissed someone yet. Is that true?" 

"Oh, that, yeah. I've always been too focused on baseball to really date anyone." I blushed a bit.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't kissed anyone either. I've also always been too focused on baseball to date." I nodded.

"Do you ever think you're gonna date?" I asked blurted out.

"Yeah. But I'm gonna wait unless I find someone I really like. What about you?"

"Same as you." This time he nodded and smiled. I really was falling for him. 

"You wanna give me a pitching/hitting lesson today?" Thankfully he changed the topic, I was getting so uncomfortable. 

"Sure! Wanna start now?" We stopped walking and went over to it grassy park.

"But we don't have our gloves." 

"That's the trick. Stand over there." I pointed to the spot next to me. "Follow my movements." I started to pitch and he pitched just like me. Everytime he was wrong, I would correct him by rearranging his arm. People started watching me train him. There was no doubt that people  knew who we were. 

"Ab! Can we do batting now?!" Aaron whined. I loved that he called me Ab a nickname only a few people used.

"Sure Aar! Go over there!" I pointed to the spot across from me. "By the way I like being called Ab!"

He walked over and nodded "And I like being called Aar!" 

"Cool! Now get in your stance." He followed my order and got in his stance. "That's not a good stance." 

"But it's how I bat!"

"Quit whining! Let me come over and help you." I walked up to him and rearranged his hands on the bat. I could feel his muscules, he was so strong. His feet were off so I placed them differently. 

"Now swing!" I took a step back and watched."Better but you still aren't there yet. " it took a while for me to get Aaron to swing correctly but he started to get it. I told him the trick on timing. After we finished people came up to us and asked for autographs. We were having so much fun we decided to spend the day together since we had an off day. I took him to the museums and landmarks. I even took him to love park which made me feel really weird with Aaron at my side. Plus there were a ton of couples kissing in front of the statues which just made us both get way too uncomfortable. We went for lunch at parc, a French restaurant on rittenhouse park. Aaron got a text and he smiled.

"Cody's having a party at his place. Wanna go?" 

"Sure!" I couldn't wait to get to know the team better. 

That Night 

Aaron and I arrived together on time. Everyone was just arriving. I was talking to Odubel Herrera for a bit about Spanish baseball and baseball in general. All the other Spanish players kept smirking while we talked then he'd say something in Spanish to him. 

"Why do they keep laughing at us?" I asked him after the fifth time we were interrupted. Before he could answer Freddy Galvis stepped in and answered for him. 

"Odubel, thinks you're hot." I stared at Freddy and then Odubel and just started laughing. 

"Awwww that's adorable, el torito! But you ain't my type!" I ruffled his hair and he frowned. 

"Then what is your type, Abigail? You've got to think some of these boys are pretty good." A female voice said from behind me. I turned around to find a gorgeous brunette.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked, eyeing Aaron out of the corner of my eye talking to Zach.

"I'm Angie, Cody's wife! I know who you are." I shook her hand and smiled. 

"To answer your question. My type is..." I trailed off looking at Aaron. "My type is probably an athlete, baseball player to be exact. I like brown messy hair, tan skin and strength. Tall boys aren't too bad." Odubel and his friends left bored from our conversation and I was glad because I had a feeling I was about to confess about Aaron. 

"Omg! I think I know who you're talking about!" She said still keeping her voice down so no one would hear us.

"Oh yeah. Well who do you think it is?" 

"Is he on the team?" 


"Is he  a pitcher?" 


"Is he from Louisiana?" I turned bright red and nodded, she had figured out."Is his name Aaron Nola by any chance?" I giggled and awkwardly fiddled with my hands as I glanced at Aaron. 



"Yeah. But don't tell anyone especially Cody!"

"What're we not telling me?" Cody interrupted.  She smiled at him sweetly.

"It's just girl stuff babe." He nodded and left. "I won't tell anyone." She seemed really nice so I'm glad I told her. The whole time I basically gushed about Aaron to her. Which felt do good to let out, I needed to tell someone about my little crush. I had established that there was nothing I could do about it so I had to accept the crush. 

"But I have a problem." I said as it was getting really late and we were about to go. Luckily Cameron wasn't leaving just yet. 

"What is it?"

"Aaron's completely oblivious to the fact that i like him and I don't know how to hint it." 

"I'll teach you how to flirt with him." So she started teaching me and we exchanged numbers so we could meet up again. We told the boys that it was so we could talk but in reality it was so she could continue her "lesson". I'm so glad someone knows the truth. Before I left I said goodbye to Aaron Angie just smiled at me as I hugged him goodbye. 

"Sleep well Aar!" 

"Sleep well Ab!" 

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